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representatives fram all the cities in the School District. McKenzie distributed a draft resolution <br />encouraging cities to speak out against this unacceptable action. <br />Commissioner Delmore asked far information about the community meetings that the City <br />Council is holding in April. Curti explained that the City Council is holding community <br />meetings on Saturday, Apri13, at Fairview Coznmunity Center, 1910 County Raad B, 9:00 to <br />11:00 a.m. and on Monday, April 26, at Faxkview Center School, 7Q1 West County Road B, 7:Q0 <br />to 9:OQ p.m. Commissioners asked Curti if they would be represented. They directed Curti to <br />see about having some sort ofpresence at the meeting. <br />Chair McKenzie rcminded Commissianers that the Rose Parade is June 28. All commissioners <br />are invited to participate, and essay contest winners will be invited. Curti asked that is anyone <br />has a convertible that they would be willing to drive in the parade to let her know; otherwise we <br />would use a City truck, as has been done in the past. <br />Chair McKenzie asked Commissioners to think abotit ways to get greater youth involvement. <br />Chair McKenzie distributed information from the Ontano Human Rights Cornmission and their <br />complaint process. She wanted members to see what ather Commissions are doing. <br />Ad,journznent <br />Larry Voeller rr�oved, and Howard Wagner secanded motion to adjoum. Meeting adjourned at <br />B:OQ p.m. <br />3 <br />