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Commission should consider a motion to send Commissioners to the training. After some <br />discussion, Phil Crwnp made a motion to send up to 5 people to the YWCA training for a cost <br />of up to $375. Karen Vnuk seconded the motion. Motion passed. <br />Commissioners may contact Cindy Anderson if they want to atten� the conference. Tk�e first <br />five Commissioners who reply will be registered for the canference. <br />Miscellaneous <br />Chair McKenzie distributed a Star Tribune newspaper article: Latinos get mixed welcorrie i� <br />Montgomery, southern Minnesota. She requested that members read and send her any <br />suggestions of ways the Roseville Human Rights Commission could offer assistance to the <br />communities referenced in the article. <br />Carolyn Curti reminded Commissioners that she will be on family leave beginning April 19 <br />until June 7. Any Human Rights related iss�es can be directed to Cindy Anderson, and she <br />will refer to the appropriate person. Mark Chapin agreed to take minutes at the May meeting. <br />The Rose Parade is June 28. rn early June staff wiIl invite the Essay Contest winners to <br />participate. Please let Cindy Anderson know if you plan to ride in the parade. <br />Adjournment <br />Phil Crump moved, and Mark Chapin seconded motion to adjourn. Meeting adjourned at <br />8:00 p.m. <br />3 <br />