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Memorandum <br />To: Members of the Roseville Human Rights Commission <br />CC: Carolyn Curti <br />From: Mark V. Chapin <br />Date: Apri� 15, 20Q4 <br />Re: Janct Delmore Rccommendations <br />The purpose of this memorandum is to outline the suggestions/recommendatians that were <br />conveyed to me by Ms. Janet Delmore regarding the processes that thc City of Roseville uses in <br />responding to citizen complaints concerning it police department. � <br />1. Require on-going professional diversity training on issues of race for al� members of the <br />Roseville Police Department. <br />2. Provide a citizen friendly method of making complaints to the palice departrnent including <br />insuring the availability of co�laint forms at the deparhnent_ In addition, copies of the any <br />Complaints should routinely be sent to the mayor, city administrator and the police eMef. <br />3. A citizen that makes a compiaint should receive a follow-up call from a city council member or a <br />member of the city staff: <br />4. The city should provide specific information about rnethod and results of its investigation to <br />citizens that make complaints. <br />� I take no position on t}us suggestions/recommendations; I am simply conveying them to the <br />catnmissioner and will await discussion of them at our next meeting. <br />