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BIAS 1 H�►TE CRIME RESPQNSE AND PREVENTION PLAN <br />�` (Draf� 4.13.44) <br />Purpose <br />The purposes of this plan are: <br />To establish a procedure for appropriate and timely local response to bias/hate crirnes <br />or incidents, showing strong com.munity suppori for the victim and z�ro community <br />tolerance for bias/hate crimes that occur within the boundaries of the City of <br />Rose�ille; <br />a To raise awarEness of this issue within the community; <br />� To establish a network of community resources that can be activated as needed. <br />It is not the role of the Roseville Human Rigists Cammission (RHRC) to investigate such <br />crimes. Rather, it provides ar coordinates st�pport to victims of such crimes and <br />leade�shin in the community in the prevention of bias and hate criznes through educatio�r <br />and_collabvrative comnzunity action against prejudice and bigotry. <br />Hate Crixne Defined <br />A hate crime, as defined by criminal statute (Minnesota Statute Section b09.2231, Subd. <br />4), is a enminal act committed against a person, institution, or property, of which the <br />primary motivation is the victim's affiliation with a protected ciass. This includes such <br />criminal acts as arson, assault, vandalism, threats, harassment, and physical acts of <br />violence. State law established the foIiawing protected classes: race, color, religio�i, <br />gender, sexual orientation, age, disability, and national origin_ The law allows for the <br />perception of either Ehe victim or the police officer regarding the bias mativation of the <br />cnme Eo cause it to be categor�zed as a hate cnme. Convictions resulting from hate crimes <br />carry enhanced penaIties. <br />Hate crimes are different from discrimination complaints. Although discrimination is <br />against the law, it is not a crime, but rather a civil matter. <br />Partnersi�ip <br />In order to provide timely, meanrngful support to vict�xns of bias/hate crimes, the <br />Commission must partner with the citizens and organizations in the comznunity. The key <br />parhlers include_ <br />• The Roseville City Police Department <br />Proposed 4/13/2004 3 <br />