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� { R1 I <br />� °" _ � ��`� � /� �1 I <br />Human Rights Commission <br />September 21, 2004 <br />Present: Thelma McKenzie, Chair; Phillip Crump, Jariet Delmore, Karen Vnuk, Howard <br />Wagner <br />Absent: Steve Smitt�, Larry Voeller <br />Staff: Carolyn Curti <br />At 7:08 p.m., Chair Thelma McKenzie announced that since there was not a quorum, the <br />Commission would meet informally and discuss items on the agenda but not finalize action. <br />Commissioners reviewed minutes and Chair McKenzie requested thai Carolyn Curti send a <br />copy of the letter that was sent to the resident concerning her complaint, <br />Action Plan <br />Commissioners discussed ways to achieve the Commission's goals. Commissioner IIoward <br />Wagner reported that he delivered the essay contest packets to the schoals. Commissioner <br />Phil Crump and Commissioner Janet Delmore will discuss ways to enhance the Commission's <br />role in the Rose Parade. In the past, Comrnissioners distributed candy, but we may consider <br />distributing something rnore relevant to human rights such as stickers or decals with a human <br />rights therne. <br />Chair McKenzie said she would look for a comprehensive iist of commemorative months and <br />dates that the Commission could have the City Council acknowledge. Comrr�issioners <br />requested that Carolyn Curti provide them with a list of Speakers Bureau members. The <br />Commission may begin inviting speakers to Commission meetings. Commissioner Crump <br />and Chair McKenzie will contact RAS Superintendent for a meeting to discuss issues of <br />importance. One possible tapic is how to improve the Commission's outreach with new <br />teachers in the RAS. Chair McKenzie suggested inviiing new teachers to the November <br />meeting. <br />Commissioner Delmore will look at ways to enhance the New Teachers' Packets, including <br />creating bookmarks that are appropriate for Kindergarten to Senior High teachers. <br />EMED <br />Commissioner Karen Vnuk recommended that the Commission send a tetter to the RAS <br />Diversity Advisory Committee, thanking them for the good work that they have done in the <br />