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Resident Complaint <br />Carolyn Curti distributed a copy of a letter from a resident who was upset with the way a <br />�olice ofiicer responded when he stopped her becatise she had expired license tabs. Chair <br />MeKenzie had spoken with the complainant at great length and asked her to put the comptaint <br />in writing. She told McKenzie that she wanted an apology and for the police to undergo <br />training about people with Multiple Sclerosis. In the letter, the complainant aclmowledged <br />tnat the officer did not do anything wrong, but that he created such stress and anaciety for her <br />because of her disability. Several Commissioners said lhat based on her letter, the person r�vas <br />not discriminated against. <br />Commissioners discussed how to best respond to the letter. One commissioner opined that an <br />apology was not in order because the oificer was just doing his job_ Another commissioner <br />said the officer gave her a break, having her car towed to the License Center rather than <br />having it impounded. Another commissioner suggested that the officer overreacted. <br />Commissioners suggested that the Commission send a letter acknowledging her letter but <br />further action was not warranted. Commissioners asked Carolyn Curti to check with Lt. Rick <br />Mathwig to see how the Police responded and draft a letter stating that the Commission <br />reviewed her complaint and acknowledge the distress that she felt when her car was towed. <br />Oath of Office <br />Commissioner Vnuk and Chair McKenzie took the oath af off ce. They retook the oaths of <br />office so that the City can keep a signed copy on ftle. <br />M�u I 3�7 <br />Commissioner Vnulc reported on the Roseville Area Schools Diversity Advisory Committee. <br />Thc Committee was meeting once a month, but comrnittee rnembers felt that was too often so <br />they will now meet twice a year. Vnuk's term expires in Octaber, sa another Commissioner <br />will need to take that responsibility. The Committee makes recommendations on diversity <br />issues to the RAS Schflol Board and then looks to see that the recommendations are being <br />implemented. <br />Chair McKenzie thanked Commissioner Vnuk for her work on the Committee. <br />Adjournment <br />Commissioner Crump maved, and Coznanissioner Voeller seconded motion to adjourn. <br />Meeting adjoutned at 7:55 p.m. <br />2 <br />