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■ The 13 percent of Whites categorized as Disengaged make up a larger proportion of <br />residents in Washington County than elsewhere and are more likely to be higher <br />income and to describe themselves as Republican and very conservative. <br />■ 42 percent of Btack/African Americans, 38 percent of American Indians, and 24 <br />percent of Latinos/Hispanics can be described as Jntegrated/Engaged, compared to 24 <br />percent of Whites. <br />■ Overall, 45 percent of White respondents report they have certain advantages because <br />of their race_ The Isolated/Unengaged and the Integrated/Engaged are the most lakely <br />to acknowledge these advantages or White privilege (61 % and 59% respectively). <br />The Great Middle is about evenly divided (44% "Yes" and 56% "No"). The <br />Disengaged is by far the least likely to acknowledge White privilege (13%}. <br />■ The words of residents in several community conversations described the subtle and <br />harmful nature of White privilege. Others depicted a kind of priviiege that was both <br />unaware and somewhat arrogant. <br />An assessmen[ of rarism in 7 January 2004 <br />Dakota, Ramsey, and Washingron counties <br />