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2003 Agendas and Packets
Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Human Rights Commission
Agendas and Packets
2003 Agendas and packets
2003 Agendas and Packets
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3AN-�76-2��3 15=32 CI7Y-DF-RQSEVILlE�DMIN 651490227� P.09i12 <br />.� �i ���r�-cr�a.s x•,. •�� r�n + w i� nvair+►r �•�rn.�r� r oi��sr�o.�a r�. �e <br />Nir. Nea� Beets <br />Janu�ry 6, 2003 <br />Pag� 2 0�6 <br />I. <br />��X7]ES <br />What legal principl�s apply to the us� of public iaciliti�s, ar�d what regu��ion� <br />m�y a ci�y adopt gaverning use? <br />�_ U�de:� th� City's �utr�ni facilifiy �se p�l�cy, �f a�ammu�rg' �to�rp' r��ts a C��y- <br />awned me�ci�g x�oom, may the g�rnup exciude memb�rs of �ee �ubl�c $am (lj <br />attcnding ihe meecin�, andlvx {�) jaining t�� pu'g�ni�zat�pn? <br />�,NALYS� <br />X. WD��t i�ega� Prxqc4.piea ApPly �'o Th� Uat O�P�tb�c �`acil�t�e�, And W6at <br />�g�lg�m�s May A. ��ty At�apt �ov�rA�ing Us�? <br />Th� First Am�ndm�n� applies to g�vernrx�entally-ovmed pmperty wben the gov�nmcnt <br />regulatss acc�ss tn gnvernr,�en� propefty sou�t fo� purposes of expression. The <br />Cp��ti�taon�lity Q� govemnke�ntal action is de'Ee�lnined �y the public fatuax dactti�e aad �lie <br />docti-ine of rr.a�onabl� tirne, place and �ann�r �es�Cti4n. Under this &ame�wo�lc, a city c�nnc�t <br />restrict the use of city me�ting fac'rliUes so as to d�ny s�ess tQ any p�cular group. Rat�er, <br />access must be a1lo�►ed w'sthout re�rd to the vi�vpoints of thr organizatio�. Th� �analysi�s <br />suppo�ting this conc�usion is pr�ted belodv. <br />A. The �ablic Foru�n DoctXi�� <br />The resmicticros that ca� be x�laced on speech de�r,enc$ an t$c �fa4xte of the televant <br />%� Government owned propetty has bee� d�ivid�d int�o three categoxies fQr putposes of <br />f�rum an�lysis: (X) t�adiNonal public for� �) desig�ated public fora, and {3) nonpublic fora. <br />P�r�r Educ� �ss'� v. �aczY F�Qra� �uc�tars' A�s'n, 4b0 U.S. 37, 44'46 (1983); Pau�sen v. <br />Countv of Na�sau, 925 F.2d 6S, 68-69 (2II� Cir. �.991), A traditional �ublic fan�rn is one wuhi�,h <br />by "Iang tradition or by goverarnent fiat has bcen devoted tn assembly �nd debatc." ��x ,�$4 <br />U.S. �t 45. Ex�mpies ofttaditio�nal �ub}f� fo�c� iu�Clude s�e�, psr�, and ptiblic sid�walks. � <br />The secand cat��ory af �av�cnme�t �xop�rty is th� desig�t�d p�b��e �atvm (sametimes c.aUed <br />�"I�nnuiud" public �oxvrnj. This is pub�ic p�ropertY that �� st�te � opsned to tfi� public �o� <br />express�v$ activity. �e�ry, 460 C3.S. at 45. It m�y be o�ened for all �x�pressave act�vity, or <br />desi�atcd for more limited purppses such �s us� by cettaii� gz�oups, ce�tain subjetts, br fDr 8 <br />limite�i period of tin� Exampl� of ��ig�a�ed pnb�4c fora. are me�eting facili�ies, nnunicipal <br />theatcrs, �nd baard mec[ing,s_ Widmar v. �ince�t, 4�4 U.S. �63 (19$1); Sauth�astern <br />�rornotions� Ltd. v. Conrad, 420 U.S. S46 (197�. Th� tl�ird category is tMe n�npublit foru�nA, <br />dvhich is public p�roperiy that is not hy tr�dition ar dos���ion �. �'4� �o� pu�1�c <br />�omrnunicat�a�. � e��5 �_�d at �$,69. it cansists a�'properiy usu�iy incompatib�e wit� <br />
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