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JAN-@6-2�3 15=33 CFiY-OF-R�SEUILLE-ADMIN 6514902�6 P.i1/12 <br />Jl'll'7"'UO'"tC1CJti5 1�1•LJ RI-!lUlllt RLJ�7�� 1'�U��,r b'l�..iJJi7Y,J.1� r��� <br />��', i�E8.2 $86� <br />J�u�rj► 6, 20�3 <br />P�ge 4 of fi <br />Fi�a�ly, res�;ctions on the use af fa�iiities mu�st lea�r� apen atn�le alt�ative chatm��s <br />o�c��r�nu�ication. The basic test ie wheth�x the spe�k�t' is a�orded "a fa�um that is ar,cess�bl,� <br />and whe�e thc intended �audiem�ca �s expe�d �o pass." St.udents i A �id Coalitian v. <br />O'�1eil, fi64 F. Supp. 333� 339 (W.D. Va.19S7). <br />A similar analysi� �uvvoiild apply ta any oxdina�ce �,�t �pp�t�S n�utra� o�, its f�we, but <br />operaiPS in suGh a way as to d�ny a�cess t� City ��ilities �o one parii��r �pup. As stat�d <br />�bav�, ar�y restr�c�iuns on the use of �It�► tneering faca�ities must �e content n�utral. <br />�alyticaXly, tt�cr� are twa asp� to t�ie principie of ctint,ent �utcality_ vicvvpoi�t net�irality <br />and cate�ory neutraiity. This rneans that the Cii� can�.ot rcgt�l�c meeting ro�m � so � tv <br />�$�OI Oa'1� ViC'W.p�2111� OV�,� �IIQ��F, snd carinot discriminate be4r�vicen differcnE c�tegtyries of <br />�xptessian, reg,aardl�ss �afwhether the resuiction an fac�lity �e is p�sr,�x�d as a facially neutx�I <br />regulutian. <br />Unde� ihe �ate�ory of viewpoint i��utrali�iy, to whsch the �u�pr�me Cou�rt �as reao�ized <br />na excep4ians, the gov�rnmeu�t ca�ot regu�ato �xpression in sueh � wayr as to favor oae <br />�►iewpoint ow�er at�other_ Sa, far cxampl�, a ci� �ovXd not a�low acc,�s to l�epub��catts vv1��1� <br />d�nying access tc� b8mocrat�. ts af e Ku � i��n v ir� L ' J <br />� x h� �rs 735 F.S�pp. 7�4� (M,b. Tenn. � 99Q}. a,s #he �upreme Cau�t �as state�, <br />vie�vpoiunt discrimin�tian is "an e�e�ous farm of conte�nt discrim�inat�on." R�enb�rger v <br />'s' v�' Lhe Univ_ of Y' i 51 S Y1'. S. 8� 9, 829 (� 995). The gov�crnment `5must <br />abstai� fi��n re�ati�g spe�ch when th� specific motivating idevlogy ox tla,e �piniom or <br />p�r�p�cur►+� o�the speek�r i� the ratia�l� fot the restnctilon." �. <br />i�n3er th� fr�ewc�rk of ��t�ga�y r��u�rality, �c►vernment cann�t gene�rai�y regulate in <br />sa,�cki s w�y �s to �isc,ri�min�t0 ag�i�st diffet�ht categories vf e�p�ession. Errno�ik v_ Gity of <br />Jac�sonv�le, 4�2 U.S. ��5 (1975�. For e�tample, a ci�y +canld �not pass ar� ordinance limiting <br />acxe�s to �eeting faci�it�e� to on�y no�-po�i�c�i Broups, even if the otdin�nc,e op���ied to limii <br />the aceess uf �ou�s wirh a varie�y �Fdit%+ent politirdl �riewpoints. FinaUy, a city es�tot <br />z9egulate � argaair�ian's message by chargAng �i�%rent fees to different �ps �ar us� of eity <br />facilities. If a c�ty charges a fee for use of city prope,�y ta hold � me�ei�t�g, t�iis �ea must be the <br />sa�ve �'ox a�I ox��xatiar�s wzsbing to use the praperty- Foxsvtk� Countv, y. ��tiana�list <br />�.Q�+��e�#, 505 U_S. 123 �1992) {rejecting a permit sch�me where the fe� for police pr4rtection <br />could ia� incrs�ed if tho speak�r we.s lik�ly to gen�ret�e cc�ntro�v�ersy.) <br />��. Und�r Th� C�t�y''s C��rreRt �'�ciiiity �J�e kaucy, ��,A, Com�wouity Gx�aup Uses <br />A, Cii�r 1VYe�ti� Rootn, �� TLe Granp $�rc��de Meml�r9 Of TJhe Public <br />F�o� �1� �ittcndeng �'he 1Vle�dt�g, Aa�/Or (2) Joiaing �he Organization? <br />Park aa� Rerteation bperating Policy ATq, IbF govem� the us� of City f$�lrt�e�. It� its <br />purpose statemen�, t�e Folicy 3r�dicates ihat `�he +City of Roseville m�inta�itt� fgcilities for the <br />