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,Y � . <br />,, <br />� <br />Human Rights Commission <br />Purpose- <br />The Commission is appointed by and serves in an advisory capacity to the Ciry Councii in the <br />area of Human Rights. <br />• Provides a vehicle for citize� input concerning human rights issues <br />• Monitors and keeps the counci! advised concerning human rights issues in the City. <br />• Assists in carrying out the purpose of the Minnesota Hurnan Rights Act. <br />• Provides p�blic education activities concer�ing human rights issues. <br />• Promotes a positive human rights clirnate in the community. <br />■ Resolves discrimination complaints through an informal mediation process. <br />• The Cammission does not handle complaints internal to the City organization. <br />Size: <br />7en members <br />Meetinq Schedule= <br />Seconcf Tuesday of each month fram 7:OOpm-B:OQpm at City Hall <br />Role of lndividua! Members: <br />• Participate in Commission meetings <br />Pravide ideas and suggestions concerning public education and promotional activities <br />regarding human rights. <br />Assist in planning and organizing events and activities. <br />• Monitor tt�e Human Rights ciimate in the community and identify probierns and issues. <br />• Obtain training in the "No Faul�' mediation process and serve as a mediator ta resol�e <br />discrimination complaints. <br />• Participate in pubEic education and promotional e�ents regarding human rights_ <br />• �nsure the confidentiality of both parties in the Nv Fault grievance processes. <br />> <br />