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204.01 <br />CHAPTER 204 <br />HUMAN RIGHTS COMMISSION <br />�9�I�i�[�I�i� <br />204.Ot: Policy <br />2d4.02: Establishrnent of Commission <br />204.03: Purpose <br />204_04: Membership; Terms and <br />Removal <br />204.05: Duties <br />204.01: YOLICY: !# is hereby declared <br />that it is the public po{icy of the <br />City to fultill its responsibility as a partner o# <br />#he State Department of Human Rights in <br />securing for alI citizens equal opportunity in <br />housing, employment, public accommoda- <br />tions, public services and education, and to <br />work consistently to improve the human <br />relations clirnate af the City. (�rd. 566, <br />2-19-68) <br />204.02: ESTABLISHMENT OF COM- <br />MISSION: There is hereby es- <br />tablished within the City a Human Rights <br />Commission. (Ord. 56fi, 2-19-58) <br />204.03: PURPOSE: T�e purpose af the <br />Commission is to secure for all <br />citizens equal opportunity in employment, <br />housing, public accommodations, public <br />services and education and ful! participation <br />in the affairs of this communiiy by assisting <br />the State Department of Human Rights in <br />implementing the Minnesota Human Rights <br />Act, Minnesota Statute section 363.01, et <br />seq., and by aclvising the City Council on <br />long-range programs to improve community <br />204.0�4 <br />re{a#ians in the City. (Ord. SfiB, 2-19-68; <br />amd. 1995 Code) <br />204.04: MEMBERSHIP; TERMS AND <br />REMOVAL: <br />A. Membership: The Commission shail <br />consist of ten (10� members, to be <br />appointed by the City Cauncil. Mem- <br />bers of the Commission shal! be ap- <br />pointed with due regard to their fitness <br />for the efficient dispatch of the fu�c- <br />tions, powers and duties vested in and <br />imposed upon the Commission. <br />B. Terms: The first Commission shall <br />consist of four {4) members appointed <br />for a term of three (3) years, tF�ree {3) <br />members for a term af two {2} years, <br />and three (3) members for a term of <br />a�e year. Members of the Commis- <br />sion shall be appointed for terms o6 <br />three (3) years, except that any per- <br />son appointed to fill a vacancy occur- <br />ring prior to the expiration of the term <br />for which such member's predecessar <br />was appointed, shalf be appointed <br />only for the remainder of such term. <br />Upon the expiration of such member's <br />term of office, a member shall contin- <br />ue to serve until such member's suc- <br />cessor is appointed and sha[I have <br />quaEified. <br />C. Compensation; Removal: The mem- <br />bers of the Commission shail serve <br />without compensation, and may be <br />removed from oi#ice by a fiour-fifths <br />City of Roseuille <br />