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204.04 <br />(4/5) vote of the City Council. (Ord <br />566, 2-19-68) <br />204.05: DUTIES: In tulfillment of its <br />purpose, the Commission's du- <br />ties and responsibilities shall be to: <br />A. Adopt bylaws and rules for the con- <br />duct of its affairs including the elec- <br />tian, assumptian of duties and defini- <br />tion of responsibifities of officers and <br />comrnittees. <br />8. Enlist the cooperation of agencies, <br />organizations and individuals in the <br />community in an active program di- <br />rected to create equal opportunity and <br />eliminate discrimination and inequali- <br />ties. <br />C. Formuiate a human relations prograrn <br />for the City to give increased e�fec- <br />tiveness and direction to the work of <br />al! individuals and agencies address- <br />ing themselves to pianning, policy <br />making and educational p�ogramming <br />in the area of civil and human rights_ <br />D. Advise the Mayor, the City Councif <br />and other agencies of the government <br />of human relations and civil rights <br />probiems. Act in an advisory capacity <br />with respect to planning or operation <br />of any City department on issues of <br />civil and human rights and recom- <br />mend the adoption of such specific <br />policies or actions as are needed ta <br />provide for full equal oppor�unity in the <br />comrnunity. <br />E, Develvp such programs of formal and <br />informal education as wiEl assist in the <br />impiementation of the Minnesota State <br />Act Against Discrimination, and pro- <br />vide for the Commission's assumption <br />City of Roseuille <br />204.05 <br />of leadership in recognizing and re- <br />solving potential problem areas in the <br />community. (Ord. 5fi6, 2-19-68; amd. <br />1995 Code) <br />