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t <br />4 <br />� �xw <br />2. <br />3. <br />_Z_ <br />(b) Duties: The Chairperson shall <br />preside at meetings of the <br />. Commission. S/He sha11 appoint <br />members �a the committees. S/He <br />shall appoint chairpersons of the <br />com�ittees. The Chairperson shall <br />call special meetings if s/he deems <br />.necessary: The Chairperson shall <br />he responsible for reparting to the <br />Council or delegating other committee <br />me�bers to give reports to the Counci� <br />concerning actzon of the Commission. <br />Vice-Chairperson: <br />(a) Shall be e�ected annually at the <br />regular Qctober �eeting. <br />(b) Duties: Assist the Chairperson. <br />The Vic�-Chairperson shall preside <br />at mEetings in case of absence of <br />the Chairperson. Tn case of vacancy <br />of the Chairperson position, Che <br />Vice-Chairperson shall become Chair- <br />person and a new Vice-Chairperson <br />elected at the next regu�ar Commis- <br />sion meeting. <br />Recording 5ecretary - Staff Assistant: <br />(a) A non-voting member - will be <br />fil�ed by the Administrative <br />Assistant to the City Manager. <br />(b) Duties: To <br />secreCarial <br />Gommission <br />minutes of <br />Commission. <br />4. Comrttittees: <br />provide research and <br />assistance to the <br />and com�ittees. Keep <br />the meetings of the <br />(a} Will be appointed when necessary <br />as determined by the Commission. <br />{b) The Chairperson shall appoint a <br />nomi�ating committee ta be com- <br />posed of three current Commissianers <br />to propose a slate of officers ior <br />consideration; such slate to be <br />formed at least one meeting prior <br />to the scheduled election. <br />