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, <br />.� <br />� <br />-4- <br />D. Develop� in cooperation with the State <br />Department af Human Rights, formal and informal <br />educatiQnal'progra�s to assist in the implemen- <br />tation of the Minnesota Hu�an Rights Act. <br />E, �Provide Ieadership to the City of Rv�eville <br />in recogRizing and correcting potential problem <br />areas in the 'community. <br />F. Deve�op procedures for resolving human <br />rights grievances, such as No-Fault Grievance. <br />Chapter IX. Ru1es ChanRes: <br />These rules can be amended at any regular <br />meeting with a quorum of 7 present. Affirm- <br />ative votes by 2/3 majority of the number <br />present will be necessary for rules amendment <br />passage. A11 members must he notified of any <br />proposed rule change at least one week in <br />advance of the proposed action. Roberts Rules <br />of Order shal� prevail on all matters of <br />procedure. <br />