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Roseville Proclamation <br />Black History Month <br />February 2Q43 <br />Whereas: the City of Roseville is cammitted to recognizing and honoring the <br />contributions of ail members of our community; and <br />Wltereas: Nego History Week was established in 1926 by Dr. Carter Godwin Woodson <br />as a way to neufitalize the deliberate distortion of Black History; and <br />Whereas: this movement grew over the years to Black History Month to give an <br />objective and scholarIy balance in Amcrican and World history; and <br />Whereas: the month of February was selected as Black History Month because it rnarks <br />the birth of Frederick Douglass, W.E.B, DuBois, Langston Hughes and Abraham Lincoln, <br />leaders whose actions greatly impacted the lives of the American black population; and <br />Whereas: the month of February marks the birth of the NAACP and the first Pan African <br />Congress; and <br />Whereas: African American's history, music, arts, written words and discoveries are <br />often overlooked; and <br />Whereas: the City declares prejudice and ignorance has no place in our community; and <br />Whereas: the City invites all members of the Roseville community to renew Ehezr <br />commitment to ensuring racial equality, understanding and justice. <br />Now, Therefore Be �t Resolved, that the City Council hereby declare February 2003 to be <br />Black History Month in the City of Roseville, County of Ramsey, State of Minnesota, U.S.A <br />In Witness Wttereof, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the, City of <br />Roseville to be affixed this 3rd day of Febnxary 2003. <br />Mayor John Kysylyczyn <br />