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T'HE LEAGUE OF MINNES�TA HUMAN RIGHTS C4MMISSIONS <br />4100 LakeviewAvenue North, Robbirrsdale, MN 55422 Telephone (763) 535-1051 <br />eosra a�ors: <br />7helrta McKerale, Prssfdeni, Rosev�a <br />(�ra! Mn Banrrsfor, Leko 9ma <br />pianB Bollar, Cryatel <br />Bertrara &oxn, Rlohfleid <br />Larry ClaAc, Aed W�y <br />Berb CeShapp. Cha6ke <br />James EMeld!-Brovm. Qystsl <br />rulark Frer. sno�sview <br />D�n G�dQ Red Wlny <br />Medan keUm�d, tidden Vetley <br />RIrJc Hende�an, Moorhead <br />B�1 tyer, Eden Prelda <br />Mne LflLonda Letn� Mlro�eapdLv <br />Muberrar�ed Okoya L.awal, Brooklyn Parx <br />Idaue su� Lonwr�en. Ed�na <br />Tdna Bryant Moynah, Winane <br />Larry PAchdsan, Maorhead <br />�o ��, a,� <br />oen �nee. w�nona <br />sonja Pate.son, shorsvlew <br />Oale Swansa�, Fwest Lake <br />Renee 7omatz, Hlbbinq <br />PenmrTarbel. Cheske <br />Mprt RyweCk, Project Caadiiwtor <br />Jene McPartland �nancial Coardinata <br />Ma�s. co���: <br />.W48rt Lee <br />Arden Hllls <br />P�9fin <br />�� <br />Brookiym Pe�k <br />� <br />Cdurttiie iielphta <br />Coon Flapida <br />Coatape arwe <br />LYOw Winp COUnry <br />Crystel <br />owwr, <br />Eden Prairl0 <br />Edine <br />Falmnnt <br />Falcon Helqhte <br />Ferpu6 Fe11s <br />Foresi Lake <br />F�aey <br />Golden Yelley <br />tYb6lny <br />Nopk{ns <br />�sa"d c�,,,sy <br />e� <br />�� <br />Menke�o <br />Maplewood <br />MarsheN <br />Minneapdis <br />nwomeaa <br />nenme <br />New BdQhton <br />t3etiv Hape <br />Naw lAm <br />ro�i� ca,na <br />NatMteld <br />Narth StPaW <br />Oekdale <br />amsteaa coont�, <br />a�ro�,a <br />�m�xie <br />Plyrtwu[h <br />R6d Wir�p <br />RicFrfteld <br />���a�s <br />Rasev+rte <br />St- M1honY <br />St qoud <br />St Loula Park <br />St Pm9 <br />St Peter <br />Shoreview <br />South St. Pm�l <br />Stillw�t9r <br />V1rpIMe <br />Wd39Cg <br />WfytB 898f LBkB <br />1Nalmar <br />Wlnona <br />and Mhers in famadon <br />March 1.5, 20(l3 <br />TO: Human Rights Commissions <br />FROM: League Of Minnesota Human Rights Cornmissions <br />RE: Your Hel Is Needed To Com6at Hate And Bi otr Since Se tember 11th <br />Since the tragic events of September 11'� fhere has been a rapid increase in hate crimes in <br />Minnesata as well as tt�roughout America, directed mainly against Muslinns, A.rabs, <br />Somalis, Sikhs and Jews. Hate crinaes reported in Minnesota increased 14 percent, and the <br />F.B.I. reported �481 were also committed across the country in 2001, against Muslirns and <br />those appearing to be of Middle Eastern descent. <br />These innocent victims of stereotyping and scapegoating were attacked, threatened or <br />harassed because of their perceived religion or ethnic backgrounds. Unjust, counter <br />productive responses by misguided persons need to be countered and hopefully prevented <br />by all of us, especially in these very tense times. <br />Community Leaders can play an important role by participating in this needed statewide <br />effoR by helping the League of Minnesota Human Rights Commissions: <br />f. Expand its Hate Crimes Response and Prevention Network to your community to <br />augment fhe 40 existing City and several Coun[y networks around the state. The League <br />also provides response and prevention trainiug. <br />2. The League can also hetp you get staRed by joining with you in planning a local <br />action-oriented meeting on "A Community Response to Hate and Bigatry Since September <br />11, 2001. This meeting can be heid in the city or neighborhood in which you work or live. <br />3. The Leagne can also help you start a city or county Human Rights Commission if <br />one does not now exist in your area. <br />For further information or assistance, please complete and return the attached form or call <br />Mort Ryweck at 612-376-0525 or Thelma McKenzie at 65 i-633-2186. We look forward to <br />hearing from yoa and worldng together. <br />Sincerely, <br />� � � <br />Thelma McKenzie Mort Ryweck <br />LNIHRC President Project Coordinator <br />Enclosures <br />