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LEAGUE QF MINNESOTA HUMAN� R�GHTS C4MI�AAISSIONS <br />co���rcE ���s���zo�v �R�c� �� <br />To: Human Rights Commissions <br />Date: March 15, 2�03 <br />From: Board of Directors, League of Minneso#a Human Rights Commissions <br />Re: 32nd Annual Conference, Friday, September 19, 2003 <br />Chaska Community Center, Chaska, Minnesota 8: QO a. m. - 3: 30 p. m. <br />"The Lessons of Brown vs. The Board of Education - <br />Desegregation vs. Segregation" <br />Dear Commissoners: <br />We are pleased fo annourtce our 32nd Annua! Conference. This years conference is <br />dedicafed to the work of all human rrghts commissions in their communrfies and cenfering our <br />energies on bringing commissions together continuing our work in response to the increase in <br />haie crimes since fhe SEPTEMBER 11 th TRAGEDY ... <br />We loofc fonrvard to the participation of each commission in this our 32nd Annual <br />Conference. Commissions participate by sharing past and present successes, failures, <br />programs tha# work, programs thai also don't work and brid�es and community partnerships <br />you have built. Commissions may share dialogs you have had, presentations, workshops <br />built aroeand function/purpose of your� Human Rights Commissian; any participation ar work <br />you have done with Hate and Bias Crime Response Plans, Racial Profiling adclressing <br />demographics, welcoming imrnigrants, working with citys, schools, in your neighbarhoods, <br />addressirtg yout#� involvem�nt on cornmissions, addressing youth issues, sponsoring a local <br />essay contest, and other ideas, programs your commission would like #o share with other <br />commissions around the state. This conferenc� is a statewide exhange of ideas and <br />networking. <br />Let us know what you would like to share at #he 32nd Annuai Conference 2003 by <br />completing and returning the attached Commission lnformafion Sheet and the enclosed <br />Display TableBooth Resenration Form. <br />We are pieased to again offer a Special Registration Fee of onfy 40 for Commissions <br />that register three or more members or citv staff personnei before September 5, 20d3. <br />Thank you for your cooperation wifh fhe above maffers. If you have any quesfions or <br />need any additional information, please contacf us af 763-535-1051 or caI! Mort Ryw!eck at <br />&12-3?6-0525, Thelma McKenzie at 651-633-2986 and Marion Nelland at 7fi3-546-746�. <br />