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SA VE THE DA TE!,► ► <br />LEAGUE �F MINNESOTA HUMAN RIGHTS COMMiSS14NS <br />Pre�iews its � 2 n d A n n u a I C o n f e re n* <br />ce <br />Friday, �Se1n�ember 19� 2�03� - s:oo a.M. - 3:3o P.M. <br />CITY OF CHASKA <br />Chaska Community Cen#er <br />Chaska, Minnesota 55318-9962 <br />rrT�e Lessons of Brown vs. The Board of Eafucation - <br />Desegregati�on vs Segregata.on" <br />KEYNOTE SPEAKE <br />SPECIAL GUE,ST L �INCHEQN S`PEAKER <br />The League of Minnesota Human Rights Commissions hosts its 32nd Annual Con- <br />ference complete with plenary sessions, breakout sessions, keynote addresses, lunch, exhibits, <br />networking and more. <br />*CLE and CUE ticcneditation Approval pending <br />�aR1B <br />StCeCf <br />-----------Clip and Mail this porfion along with Registration Fee to Jane McPa�tland, <br />FinanciaJ Coordinefor, 182D JOth Avenue Soufh �18, St. Cloud, MN 56301. <br />C�ty State Zip Phorte (Day} {Evening) <br />City Organization/Affiliation <br />Special Accomodation or other <br />Alternative Formai Needed <br />KINDLY INllICATE YQUR Luncheon Selection Regular Vegetarian <br />Please make Checks Payable to "LMHRC" Regisfiration Fee: $50.0� [includes coffee, rolls, <br />lunch, resaurce pack�#s, intergroup networking and workshops] After 5e tember 5 Re istra- <br />tion Fee is 60.00 <br />