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� = RI I <br />' Il Il <br />Human Rights Commission <br />Meeting Minutes, Apri1 S, 2003 <br />Fresent: Chair Thelma McKenzie, Mark Chapin, Phillip Crump, Martha Hardesty, Ste�ve Smith, <br />Karen Vnuk, Larry Voeller, Howard Wagner, Steve Zorn <br />Absent: Patty Tschida <br />Staff_ Carolyn Curti <br />The meeting was called to order by Chair Thelma McKenzic at 7:00 p,m. <br />Approve Minufes <br />Larry Voeller moved to accept the minutes of March 11, 2003. Karen Vnuk seconded ihe motion <br />with the correction to reilect that a coworker, not an actor, reenacted 1Vlartin Luther King's Speech <br />at her work. Minutcs of the previous meeting, as corrected, were approved. <br />Human Rights Commission Policy and Purpose <br />Mark Chapin read the Human Rights Commission policies and purposes. He aiso reviewed the <br />rules. Cannmissioners will periodically review ihe policies to make sure that the Commission <br />focuses on their responsibilities. <br />City Int�ke <br />Thelma McKenzie reported t�at the State Deparhnent of Human Rights (DHR) is facing substantial <br />budget cuts. DHR is willing to train City Human Rights Commissions to assist with "Intakes" to <br />collect initial information from people who may have a Humara Rights compIaint. Steve Smith <br />reported that the State is not as aggressively pursuing Human Rights complaints as they have in the <br />past_ <br />Commissioners discussed whether they are interested in Iearning to hand{e Intakes. Several <br />questions arose: What is the City's Iiability? How would we address language barriers? Do <br />Commissioners have the tirne? How many complaints are filed per month? Would we only handlc <br />compIaints of people in Roseville or other co�nmunities7 What would the City have to do to take on <br />this responsibility? Legally, can Rosevilie Human Rights Commissioners complete intakes? <br />Steve Smith will check with Lucy Johnson-Gaines at DHR to see what is involved to allow <br />Roseville to handle Huzxzan Itights Intalces. <br />