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Goa1 Setting <br />Thelma McKenzie tumed the meeting over to staff liaison Carolyn Curti. At the April meeting <br />Commissioners requested that they set specific goals. Carolyn Curti had identified activities/goals <br />discussed over the past several months. She divided the goals into five categories: School related <br />activities, communiiy based activities, internal activities, writing/brochures/handouts and other <br />activities. Each item was wntten on a card and placed on the wall. <br />Commissioners reviewed the list and discussed specific �oals. They identified four activities that <br />the Human Rights Commission will coniinue to do and were not included in the goal selection <br />process. Those are: <br />• Essay Contest <br />* Participate in Rose Parade <br />� Complete Human Rights Commissian (HRC) Brochure <br />• Place Commcmorative Proclamations on the HRC Webpage <br />After some review, each Commissioner, using check marks, identified their top three choices of <br />activities on vvhich the Commission should focus its time. Cammissioners then discussed the top <br />eight choices and made some modifications. Twa goals, although not top vote getters, were also <br />identified as topics that needed additional informatioi�/research. <br />Commissioners ihen selected or wcrc assigned one goal each to sketch out a timeline and <br />measurements of success_ They will send recommendations to Carolyn within two weeks. <br />• Annually meet with superintendent of schools to discuss human rights issues (Phil Crump) <br />� Include Human Rights messages on Channel 16, Wrap, employee newsletter and Ne�rs Fax <br />{Carolyn Curti) <br />• Welcome/Information Packet for New Teachers (.Howard Wagner) <br />• Snbrnit Grant Applications (Martha Hardesty) <br />• Hire Actor for MLK Speech (Karen Vnuk} <br />• Improve HRC Website — including Developing Resource Library (Mark Chapin} <br />• Foster Relationships with other Human Rights Organizations — including Developing <br />Speakers Bureat� (Larry Voeller) <br />• Classroom Presentations on Human Rights Issues — including Distributing Small Gift io <br />Roseville Schools (Steve Smith and Jacquclinc LeMay} <br />Backburner goals <br />• As a Commissian volunteer io suppozt a communuty g�'oup around the holidays <br />• Maintain informal relationship with Sister City Program <br />Commissioners said they are not ready to discard the ather ideas. The Commission would like to <br />revisit the ideas on an annual basis. <br />2- 3 votes <br />• Video Stores - Commcmorative Movies <br />• Create Children's Artwork Calendar <br />