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� <br />�' <br />', <br />�f <br />CIVIL RIGNTS MlLESTONES <br />civilrightr, pl.n. — Righcs belonging �o a person by vir�ue of his on c�r sta�us as a citizen <br />Alchough many citizcns oF �6c Uni�cd S�accs cake �heir civil righ�s For gran�ed �oday, in truth, �he securing of rhese rights has of�en <br />been as a rcSUl� of a long, hard-Foughr 6acd� Eor lcgal pro�ec�ion of �hose who were seen to differ in somc way from �hc social norm_ <br />Some oE �he major achicvemcnts in securing che civil rights of all U. S. ci�izens are ou[lincd btlow; <br />19th Amendmen[ to the Consticu�ion, 192Q <br />Supreme Court Ruling, 1954 <br />Supreme Court Ruling, 1955 <br />Equal �ay Act of 1963 <br />Civil Righu Act af 1964, Titie VI <br />Civil Rights Act of 1964, Tide VlI <br />voting Righ�s Act of 19G5 <br />Age Discrimination in Employmenc <br />Act of 19G7 <br />Civil Righcs A�t of 19G8 <br />Amendments to Higher Education <br />Act of 1972, Tide IX <br />Rehabilitation Att of I973, Secrion 504 <br />Rehabilitation Acc of 1973, Section SU3 <br />Equal Employment Opportunity <br />Guidelines of 1980 <br />Americans Wich Disabilities Act of i990, <br />Title I <br />Americans With Duabiliues Act of 1990, <br />Tide II <br />Guaranteed nativnwide voting righ�s For womcn. <br />In Brown u Bd. ofEducation, found that segregacion in public stf�ools is <br />uncons[itutional. <br />Faund that segrcga�ion in public parks and playgrounds is unconsti�u�ional. <br />Provides equal pay for equal �vork to alE employecs in all organizations, rcgard- <br />less of sex. <br />Pro�ects re�ipients of federal financiaE assistan�c from aiscrimination on the <br />basis of race, �olor, or nationa! origin. <br />Protects employees in organiza�ions wieh morc �han l5 empioyees frorn <br />discriminarion on �he basis oF race, color, religion, na�ional origin, sex, or <br />having filed a complain� of discriminacion. <br />Guaranceed voting rigE�ts for ail ci�izens. <br />Prohibits discrimination in campensation, �erms, condi�ions, and privileges of <br />employment, and s�a�us oFemployee on the basis of age Eor employees between <br />40 & 70. <br />Prohibe�s discrimination in housirtg and real es�ace sales_ <br />Protects s�udencs and employees of educational institucions recciving federal <br />Funds from discrimination on the basis of sex. <br />Provides rha� recipients of services from organizarions rcceiving federal funds <br />cannot be discriminated against on the basis of handicap. <br />Protects employees providing servi�es which are Eunded in any par� by federai <br />funcls from discrimination on thc basis oFhandicap. <br />Interpre�ed Ticle VII of che Civil Righcs Ace of 1964 to forbid sexual <br />harassmenr, vitwing it as a form of sex discr'sminazion_ <br />Building on [he Civil Righ�s Act of 19G4, guarantees equal opporcuniry in <br />employrnen[ for ptople wirli disabilities in all organizacions wi[h more rhan 15 <br />employees_ <br />Building on the Civil Righcs A�r of 19G4, guarantees equal access to public <br />accommodations, public �ransportation, s�ate and local governmenc services, <br />and �elecommuniea�ions for people wi�h disabiliries. <br />Minnesota's Human Rights Act Prohibi�s discriminarion in employment in all organizaEions on �he basis of <br />race, color, �reed, religion, age, sex, national origin, sexual orieneation, marital <br />sza�us, disabiliry, reliance on public assis�ance, and membership or activiry in a <br />local human righcs commission. <br />SPonsored by DH5 Diversity Cauncil �f/97 <br />Also prohibi�s discrimina�ion in housing, pu6lic accommodacions, education, <br />receip[ of public servitcs, and gran�ing credi[ far many of t�e pro[ected classes <br />;:sced under empioymenc. Discrimination is prohibi�ed in business dealings on <br />�he basis of race, color, sex, disabiliry, and so�uaJ orien�ation_ <br />