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_�.� ��wuau �u�n�s E�c�, 1VIIOIIeSOl�1�S C{liT1p�CI7L'17tilVe C1VII C1�IltS <br />law, declares that certain types of differential Ereatment are untair <br />discriminatory pt-acticcs. <br />With limited exceptions, the following actions constitu[e a vio a- <br />tion of the Hurnan Righis AcE: <br />In EMYI,OYMFNT — when, because of race, coEor, crccd, reli- <br />gion, national ari�in, sex, ►narital status, sexual orientation, status <br />with regard to pi�blic assistan�e, disability or age_ <br />Employers refuse to hire, discharge, or discriminate wi[h <br />respect to benefits or ccmditions of employmen[; <br />Labor Organizations dcny membcrshi�, fail to rcp�csc«t <br />merrtbers, fail to refer for jobs, or othcrwise treat mcmbers <br />diffcrently; <br />Employment Agencics rcject job applications, fail or <br />rcfuse to refcr l�or employment, or compiy with rcyucsts Eo <br />screcn or refer applicants an a discriminatory batiiti. <br />The employment provisions limit collcction a«d usc u}� <br />information about disabiiitics; requirc: many einploycrs �o <br />Enakc reasonable accom�nodations for disabiliiies; require <br />eyuitable treatment of pregnancy - relatcd conditio�ts; pro- <br />hibit sexua] harassment; and prohibit interference with <br />pension rights_ <br />• • • �� <br />In HOUSING ANll REAL PROPI:RTY—when, becau�e of r.' - <br />color, creed, religion, national origin, scx, sexual orientation, �; <br />tal status, status with rebard to publi� assistancc, disabiliry or <br />familial status: <br />Owners or AgenEs refuse to sell or rent; use discriminato- <br />ry advertisin�, applications or screening methods; or ireat <br />people difFerently in the terms nr conditions ot� the sale or <br />rental of property; <br />Realtors withhold available property or services, or <br />attempt to inducc a transaction by representing that the <br />presence of certain �ther resicEents inakes the environmcnt <br />undesirable; <br />Thc housing prnvisions inClude rec�uirement to allow Service ani- <br />mals, and to provide or pennit adaptations of the premiseti needed <br />by disabled occupants as a reasonable ac�ommodation. It is a vio- <br />lation of the Act fnr ANY PERSON to interfere with another's pro- <br />tected righ[s in housin��. <br />• • r <br />In PUBLIC ACCOMMODATIONS—when, because of race, <br />color, crced, religion, disahility, nationai ��rigin, sex, or sexual ori- <br />enta[ion: <br />A place of business, entertainment, transportation or <br />other privately t�peia[ed fa�iiity d�nies its premises or ser- <br />vices, or clis�riminates in the access or use of thein. <br />I'ublic facilities must provide reasonabic accommudations <br />to make their premises and scrvices accessible to persons <br />who havc d�sabilities. <br />Public accommodations must permit the use of recognized <br />service animals by persons who have disabilities. <br />• • • <br />In PLJBLIC SEKVICES—when, herause of race, colar, creed, reli- <br />gion. national �ri�in, disability, sex, sexual orientation or status <br />� ��ith regarc� to public assistance: <br />A facility or service operatec� by or on beh�lf of the <br />government {including t1�e state, cot�ntics, municipaiities <br />and re�ional agencies) denies or limits services or henetEtti <br />or fai[s to provic3c physical and pro�ram access; <br />A public transit service fails io provide physical access <br />and ey�itable service to persons who have disabilities, <br />In EDUCAT�ON—when, because of race, colnr, creed, religion, <br />nationa! origin, sex, sexual orientation, agc, marital status with <br />re�ard to public assistance or disability: <br />= "!a"�,`,:.°."":,;�,""`. . -a.-..�., "rys:.� �.� x '-:��.�'r`.`� :. -',^ �" w �. �, .^a �^ ..; —`E� »;«� -�.v <br />� � - �.a�..5 <br />- , # �' . _ , <, _ _ _ .. , . . , � .� ' ' , . . _� �. . . . . . . .. N . ., � w, . , , _ _, . �.', _. _ . �o.w,., <br />». _. .., ... ..v.... r..� ....... ...... r..,�,.�... ... ......... .... r....,.,..., <br />who have disabilities; <br />An educational institution or its staff excludes, expe! ���'�;�.: <br />otherwise discriminates a�ainst a student or a person se�e c�- <br />ing enrollment. <br />• • e <br />In CREUIT SERVICES— when, hecause o#� race, coior, creed, <br />reli�ion, disability, national orijin, sea, sexual c�rien[a[ion, marital <br />status or rcccipt of public assistance: <br />A business oc organiration denies or discriminates in the <br />requircmcnts Yor obtaining crecl�t or rcfuses to establish an <br />account for a woman under her current or former surname <br />• • • <br />in BLISINESS—whe�� a trade, husine5s, e�r servicc: <br />refuses to conduct business with a woman beca�se of her <br />chc�icc nf a surna�ne; <br />or, because o1� racc, color, sea, sexual orienta[ion, or dis- <br />ability, refuses to conduct business, provide a servi�e, or <br />contract with the owner or operator of the concern seeking <br />to transact l�usiness, o�- disc:riminates in lhe terms, condi- <br />tionti, or perfoRnance ot� the arrangement. <br />• • • <br />OTHER PKOHII3ITEU PRACTiCES <br />�t is a violation af the Act to: <br />Aid ur abet another in commitiing illegal discrimination; <br />Take reprisal against a person for liling a charce, partici- <br />pating in an invcsti�ation, ar opposing illegal discrimina- <br />tioa; <br />Take reprisal against a person because of their associatian <br />with persons who have disabilities or who are of a different <br />race, color, creed, religion, scxual orientation or national <br />nnQin <br />. :. ; ... . -. <br />., �� .-: ...:... <br />a.,:'.- <br />" <_,i.,.� ,k ....i__ a , .,., __ .,....__� .... <br />