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I1V YV Hll� 1 il�%JL` 1�117II 1 J F i�V 1 L' l.. 1 : <br />A person who claims to have been discriminated against in viola- <br />,, r . <br />� J;€,EOn of the Act may file a charge with the Minnesota epartmcnt <br />of Human Rights within one year of when the discrimination took <br />�Ce. <br />An intake officer wiil review the situation to 5ee if it comes within <br />the protection of the Act, and draft a fortttal charge if thc depart- <br />ment has authority and sufticient basis to become involvcd. When <br />the signed �harge iS served on the responc�ent an investigatior� is <br />conducted into the facts of the claim. <br />If thc evidence supports the clairn of discriminaEion the <br />Commissioner of Human Ri�hts will issue a determination tf�at <br />there is "probable cause" to credit the alle�ation of a violation of <br />the Act. The department wili seek a cemedy on behalf of the per- <br />son who brought thc charae. Patential relief n�ay in�lude lost pay <br />and related expenses, punitive damages and compensaEio�� for <br />mcntal anguish and suffering. <br />When the evidence does not indicate that a violation occurred, the <br />commissioner will issuc a tinding of "na prnbabie cause" or dis- <br />miss the case administratively without a conclusive determination. <br />[�ither party can ask the commissioner to review the decision made <br />in the case. <br />��:. <br />claim can aiso be brought as a private civil action in district <br />court within the one year statute of limitation; by withdrawing a <br />charge while it is hefore thc department; or within 45 days after a <br />dismissal. <br />Tt�e department encouraUes the voluntary r�solution of c�iscrimina- <br />tion claims, and wil] try to facilitate settlement at any stage of [h� <br />proceedings. <br />If a case in which probable cause has been found cannot be settled, <br />it may be referred to the offce of the Attorney General, which pre- <br />pares the departinent's position for a public hearing before an <br />ac3ministrative law judge or a trial by a judge of the district court. <br />An appeal of the judge's decision may be made to the Minnesota <br />Ct�urt of Appeals and taken to the Minnesota Supreme Court_ <br />t.vva i.a+�� a avi 1+. a i aa v s a.�a. �....+.� ..-.+�+�+ <br />A discriminatinn claim Enay also come under the authority of a <br />federal or local agency. When there is joint jurisdiction, a char �� <br />���� <br />filed with the Minnesata Department of Hurnan Rights may a!s � <br />be recordcd as a claim under the federal laws enforced by the <br />Equal Employment Opportunity Cotnmission. Either lhe state or <br />federal agency will investibate the case and report its results to the <br />other for review undcr a work-sharing agrcement. <br />Many communities have valunteer human nights commissions to <br />support civil riQhts locally, and some have mediation proarams to <br />help with resolution of disputes arising in their service areas. <br />FOR FURTHER �NFORMATION <br />Department staft� are available to respond to inquiries made by let- <br />ter, by phone, or in persnn. Language translation service will be <br />arranged on request. <br />CALL <br />(65 l ) 296-56b3 (St. Paul office) <br />(651) 296-1283 (TDD) <br />1-SO(?-6�7-3704 (toll frec) <br />WRITE <br />Minnesota Department of Human Rights <br />Army CorpS c�f Engineers Centre <br />190 E. 5th Street <br />Suite 70U <br />St. �'aul, MN 55101 <br />VIS1T <br />�:. _ <br />The affice in SL Paul is open from $:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. week- <br />days. Department representatives also hold "a�ce hours" in many <br />communities throubhout Minncsota. Call for locations and sched- <br />ule_ <br />���� � °�� . fi �v:e <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />�� <br />� <br />�. <br />A .: <br />�.. <br />a <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />■� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />z <br />� <br />� <br />a <br />z <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />� <br />U <br />CI) <br />❑ _ <br />w � <br />� <br />m [r <br />� Z <br />�=Q <br />n- �. � <br />� <br />� <br />Um= <br />a {a— <br />� o <br />� � <br />W <br />Z <br />z <br />� <br />