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������������� <br />� <br />ROSEVILLE CI3ARTER COrIIYiISSION <br />BY-LAW3 <br />ART�CLE I - THE COMMZSSION <br />Section 1. Name of Commissioxi.. The name of the Commission is <br />the "Roseville Charter Commission". <br />Sec�ion 2. Purpose. The purpose of the Commissioz� is ta <br />consider the best forin of government which meets the needs af the <br />residents of Roseville, to frame and amend a Charter for <br />considerat�on by its vo�ers if the same is determi.ned by the <br />Commission to be appropriate and necessary, and to serv'e as <br />custodians of the Charter in accordance with state laws, these by- <br />laws and rules of the Charter Commission. <br />Section 3. Office of Comaiission. The offices of the <br />Commission are at Rosevzlle City Hall for purposes of officiai <br />commission business. If City Ha3.1 is unavailable for any duly <br />called regular or speczal meeting, the members shall designate, by <br />majority vote of active members, an al�ernate cite, and notify the <br />publ.ic by posting a notice af ineeting at City Ha11. <br />Section 4. Members. The Commission is composed of nine <br />members . Members shall ser�re during their term and until their <br />successors are appointed and have qualified pursuant to Minnesota <br />Statutes, Section 410.OS as amended. <br />Section 5. Annual Review. The By-Laws shall be reviewed on <br />annual basis at the regular meeting of the Commission in October. <br />ARTICLS II - OFFICERS <br />Section 1. Officezs. The offi.cers of the Commisszon are the <br />Chair, Vice-Chair, and Secretary. <br />Sec�ion 2. Chair. The Chair shall call the regular meetings <br />of the Commission, prepare the agenda, preside at aIl meetings, and <br />oversee the implementatzons of the decisions of th� Commission. The <br />chair retains alI the rights ax�d responsibilities held as a member <br />of the Commission including the right to vote. Each year at the <br />December, meeting, the Chair shall submit to the Commission for i�s <br />approval, a annual report summarizing the activities and <br />accomplishments of the Commission for the calendar year. The <br />I <br />