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Commissions, Watershed District and HRA
Charter Commission
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5/30/2012 10:52:21 AM
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annual repor� to the Commission may contain the Chairs <br />recommendation for Commission activi�ies for the ensuing year. <br />Section 3. Vice-Chair. The Vice-Chair shall perform the <br />duties of th� Chair during the Chair's temporary absence, and shall <br />perform such duties during any vacancy of that office un�i1 �he <br />Comma.ssion elects a new Chair. The Commission may designate by <br />�na�ority voice vote a temporary second-vice chair from the Char�er <br />Comtnission memhership whose duties sha11 be to temporarily perform <br />the duties of the Vice-Chair in the absence or vacation of office <br />by the Vice-Chazr until such time as the Commission elects a new <br />Vice-Chair. <br />Section 4. Secretarv. The Secretary shall maintain the <br />records, record the minutes and votes at each meetin.g, and submit <br />approved minutes and relevant materials �o the City Manager for the <br />purpose of maintaa.ning a permanent record for public review. The <br />Secr�tary shall be the primary �iaison with City staff. On or <br />before December 31 of each year, the Secretary shall submit to the <br />Chief Judge of the District Court, the City Manager and the <br />Commissian members, the Chair's annual report. The commission may <br />designate by majority voice vote an Assistant Secretary trom the <br />Charter Commission memhership whosE duties shall be ro assist the <br />Secretary in the event of the �einporary absence or vacation of <br />office by the Secretary until such time as the Commission elects a <br />new Secretary. <br />Section 5. Com ensation Ex enses. The members of the <br />Commission shall receive no compensation, but the Commission may <br />employ an attorney and other personnel to assist in creating, <br />amending or reviszng the City Charter. The amoun� of reasonable <br />and necessary Commission expenses shaZ1 be paid by the City, which <br />�xpenses cannat exceed $1,500 in any one year unless the Ci�y <br />Council authorizes additional expenses pursuant to Minnesota <br />Statutes, Section 4ZO.Ob, as amended. <br />Section 5. Additional Duties. The officers of the commission <br />shall perform such other duties and functi.ons as may from time to <br />time be requix'ed by the Commission or its by-laws or rules. <br />Section 7. Elections. The Chair, Vice-Chair, and the <br />Secretary shall be elected from among �he members of the Commission <br />at the first meeting af�er October 1Bt in odd numbered years, and <br />shall hold office fro two years or until their successor ar� <br />elected and qualified. The Chair shall conduct the election. <br />2 <br />
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