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City of Roseville <br />International Sister City Committee <br />MinuCes <br />Wednesday, June 5, 1996 <br />PresenC: James Boardson, Charles 5cott, V-irginia and Tom Turba <br />Minutes: <br />1. The Roseville Iaion Club is interested in communicating with the Cartago, <br />Costa Rica Lions Club. Tom Turba has been ins�ruamental in helping with <br />communications. Tom will be going to Costa Rica for a conference on fund- <br />ing for non-profit organizaCions. <br />2. Shinmachi: Representatives of Shinmachi are wanting to know what kind of <br />an agreement we are expecting wirh them, such as expectations, commitments, <br />etc. Charles and Carol will send another letter of explanation. Apparently <br />a neighboring Japanese city has had a bad experience with their 5ister City <br />of another country. Shinmachi students and representatives will be coming <br />in early August. We still need to work out the details wi�h City Ha11. <br />Charles and Carol wi11 be sending a draft of our Sister City agreement as <br />well as the above information. � <br />4. A display case has not been found yet for our "axtifacts". There is no <br />Costa Rican exchange of students planned at this time. <br />5. Next meeting wi11 be Wednesday, Ju1y 3, at 6:30 at City Ha11. <br />Respectf�lly submitted, <br />-� � <br />Joyce Boardson <br />