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City of Rosevzlle <br />InternationaZ Sister Cit Committee <br />� Minutes <br />Wednesday; �anuary 3, 1996 <br />Present: Carol Stark, Charles Scott, James and Joyce Boardson <br />Minutes: <br />1. Shinmachi: The director of Shinmachi MiddZe School �s lea;� ing the school. <br />He was one of our main contacts. Carol wilZ send him a thank-you let�er for <br />the assistance he has provided us in the past. <br />Discussion centerr� n the visit of a Shinmachi group to vzsit for official <br />signing of Sister City agreements between our two cities. Carol wi21 send a <br />fax asking Shinmachi representatives to let us know as soon as possible if <br />they would be ab�e to come at the time of Rosefest. Carol and Joyce will con- <br />tact Bob Bers`hf� d and the Rosefest Parade Committee far more information on <br />dates and possible activities for the Shinmachi� rou <br />discuss activitfes that City Hall may be able t��iith.w�thaSteveSNorrhW�Caro1 <br />wiZl prepare a summary o� past activities and a proposal for the Roseville <br />Council. <br />2. Costa Rica: The two students have arrived and things are going well with <br />their host families. They had orientation and ciass assignments the week be- <br />fore Chrrstmas and were back in school after New Years. Our committee decided <br />to wait a bft before starting work on having students go to Costa'Rica this <br />summer since the current Roseville host families may want to be a part of the <br />exchange. <br />3. Jim�and Joyce taZked to Lonnie Brokke about a display case at the Recreation <br />Center. Lonnie suggested that we might consider rotating our display between <br />such areas as the Rec Center, �ibrary, and Nature Center. The committee liked <br />the idea. Joyce will contact the pubZic library. At this time, we assume we <br />will have to provide our own display case. Charles will see if he can obtain <br />a discount or free case through some business reps. If any one knows where we <br />may obtain a display case (mus� be enclosed and able to be Zocked), please let <br />one o£ the above committee members know. <br />4. <br />5. <br />The suggestion was made that we :send?:;a Ietter to the Roseville Community Fund, <br />letting them know how our awarded grant has helped �o continue our activities. <br />Nex� committee meeting is on Wednesday, February 6, 1996, at City Hail. <br />Respe full � � itted. <br />, <br />Joyc ' $ ardson <br />