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CITY �F R4SEVILLE <br />INT RNATI NA TER ITY MMiTTEE <br />Minutes <br />Wednesday, November 1, 1995 <br />Present: Carol Stark, Martha Hardesty, Tom Turba, .ludi Janiak, .�ames Boardson <br />Minutes: <br />1. Costa Rica: Tom spoke with the high school principal about having two 15 year oid <br />boys from Cartago attend Roseville High School in Nov. to February. The principaf <br />refused to allow the students to attend, citing the Roseville school system's guide- <br />lines, and indicating there were quite a number of other requests for visiting <br />students. The school does not have the resources or space available. <br />The Middle School principal is quite receptive to the idea. Tom is working with Holly <br />Young #o see �f she could help find families with boys of the same age. <br />Tom faxed Evonna to update her on the situation here. He also sent a set of <br />guidetines for attending Roseville area schools. <br />$75.00 was pledged by members to purchase half of the cart that will be <br />auctioned off at the Costa Rican benefit night at the governor's mansion. For <br />anyone who wants to attend, the cost is $75.�0 /p[ate. $60.00 is tax deductable. <br />2. Sumachi: Carol would like to apply for another grant i� it is O.K. with the Sister <br />City Committee. There were no objections as long as the Sumachi committee <br />wanted to do the work. <br />Caro� also suggested that we get on with the work of adopting Sumachi as a Sister <br />City. Someone needs to meet with the City and set up a time when we could have <br />a formaal agreement between the two cities. Rosefest was suggested as a possible <br />time. Perhaps the signing could be done during a city council meeting as was done <br />was done with Cartago. Perhaps the City Manager or Mayor could have lunch with <br />the Sumachi contigency. The Roseiest parade could also be utilized as good <br />publicity for Roseville and Sister Cit�r. <br />3. A s�ggestion was made that we try to get some kind of a dispiay case that could <br />be set up either in the City Office, or the fibrary to display some of our Sis#er <br />City gifts and artifacts. The existing case at City Hall is owned by someone <br />e1se. Joyce will look into the possibility of a display case. <br />4. November 16 is the Raseville Volunteer Recognition Dinner. Committee members <br />will put up a display - slides, pictures, artifacts, etc. <br />5. Next committee meeting will be Wednesday, December 6, at 6:3�, C�ty Hall. <br />Resp�ctfully �SUbmitted, <br />C� �.�z , h � !.� �n.� <br />Joy�e Boardson <br />