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City of Roseville <br />International Sister City Commi�Cee <br />Minutes <br />Wednesday, October 4, ±995 <br />Present: Judi Janiak, Tom and Virginia Turba, Charles Scott, Carole Stark, James <br />Boardson <br />Minutes: <br />1. Shinmachi: A�hank-you letter was received from Shinmachi. `1'here wi11 be <br />a meeting at one of the 5hinmachi group member's home on Oct. 29 at 7-PM. <br />Any one interested in attending should contact Carole 5tark for which home <br />the meeting W�11 be held at. <br />2. Bulgaria: Tom and Virginia brought pictures from their trip with the scouts <br />to share with us. <br />3. Costa Rica: Joyce has been in contact with Connie Wilms at the Roseville <br />High School concerning the two 16 year old boys who wbuld like to come <br />during Nov, through Feb., staying with a family and atteriding school during <br />thaC Cime. Connie was recommended by Holly Young and seems very interested <br />in having the students here. With her help, we have received approval From <br />the district level and an of£er to help with visa processing. However, we <br />also need to receive an "are able and willing��approval from the high school. <br />Connie is willing to help with this. Unfortunately, along with busy schedules, <br />Chere has been a iamily death, so she had not been able to �roceed with that <br />aspect at the time of this meeting. Joyce hopes to hear more within the next <br />week. Connie has been told that we would try to help find host and <br />that this would not be completely her responsibility. Please help look for <br />possible host families. There are also two 17 year olf girls who would like <br />to come to Roseville for a year. <br />Joyce has not been able to proceed with Holly Young on how to go about having <br />2-3 Rbseville students go to Costa Rica next summer. <br />4. Next meeting wi�l be on Wednesday, November 1, 1995 at City Ha1I. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />-������ <br />,7oyce Boardson <br />