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PresenC: <br />Mfnutes: <br />City of Koseville <br />InCernational Sister City Committee <br />Minutes <br />Wednesday, September 6; `�1995 <br />Caro1 Stark, Martha Hardesty, Judi and Tiffany 3aniak'; Virginia and <br />Tom Turba, Charles Scott, Joyce Boardson <br />1. Shinmachi: The group had a great eleven day home stay, hosting the Shin- <br />machi visitors. A thank-you from the children to the Shinmachi officials <br />has been written. There is sti11 expectation that Shinmachi officials will <br />visit Roseville. June for Rosefest and increased.exposure for our activities <br />was suggested. Martha will approach Rosefest officials for daCes and <br />potential involvement. The chairmanship, for one year, will soon be changing. <br />2. Cosfa Rica:- Judi`presented informa�ibn'on'Richfie�8'Sister City trxp in <br />February (9=18). Trip is filled with a wait�ng list. Tom has had 11 in- <br />quireries for a Roseville trip in February. Tom has received two requests <br />from Cartago for two'students to come here during Cheir school break Nov. to <br />late February. Joyce wi11 contact Holly Young for direction on approaching <br />Roseville school for permission for these two students to a��end during the <br />ahove period. Jim and Joyce proposed that Roseville Sister� �ssist in sending <br />2 or 3 students to Cartago. They would be willing to contribute some monies <br />�for the cause. They contacted Holly Young for ideas. They suggested that <br />it not be turned into a contest. Perhaps the interested student would have to <br />write a letter stating why she/he would like to be a candidate. Teachers <br />would be utilized in the sele�tion. Tiffany suggested thaC the candidate� <br />also present themslves to the Committee.and June would be a good Cime due to <br />schools-activities here. T'he group agreed that age 14 was a good age and <br />that the student should receive financial assistance, but should also be ex- <br />pe�ted to raise part of the money. We will need to look at ways to raise <br />monies. �oyce will contact Holly Young for suggestions on how to advance <br />with rhe project. <br />3. Bulgaria: The Turbas had a greaC"�rip taking four scouts, along with another <br />adult to Bulgaria for three weeks. <br />4. The display case at City Hall is own�y the Historical Society and is not <br />available for our display of gifts. <br />5. Roseville Appreciation evening is in dctober. Carol will have the Shinmachi <br />group put something together for a display and Tom will work on Costa Rica. <br />6. Next meeting, Aednesday, October 4, 1995, at City Hall. <br />Respectfully��bmi� Ced, <br />Jo ce Boardson ��\J <br />Addendum: Caro1 will see if the Shinmachi group can put someting in the next <br />Roseville Review. <br />