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� 4CT 15 'S5 20�57 05TBETdG AaCHITECTS R.Sri <br />PnY-it° p� ... . . , . ... .... . . <br />�ax Tr�nsmitka! Memo �sr� A :W �:��-.�.-�► '�.°"�°` �?t�.�,���� s <br />„ % <br />.. .. _ . . _... <br />. ... .... . .. ... . _ . . . F� f <br />... . _ . � ..._ <br />, • <br />� - �. .. ....... ..._..._ .. .. .. <br />... .. . � . . . .. . . .. ... ... . <br />,..�nl. <br />. _ .... <br />camp _.... _ .,... • <br />,.�� . .. .. � .. . .. .. _ ..... ... . .. ...m . .. <br />. . .... . . .. . . Locedon � .. ' Cherye <br />LOOkUm • _ _ .., <br />. . .�. ....�:. � ..,.. ., . . .. ���� <br />� . .�..... .. �itl�i'.. . � <br />.. . , � _.... . ., <br />. . . <br />.... <br />. <br />!������.���...... �nona��lr�� ,:9'�° .. . _. . Hrhm C#A(orpkkip � . .. . , <br />�� ... . . <br />.. . . .. . �b":. , 064c+mY.. . . Q .. _ ... . . .C'I. .... . ... - . . <br />.. . , �. . _ .. .._.... _ . ..`. . .... . . . � . .. _. . . ... . _ .. . . . . . <br />i <br />..... .. _ .:. . •.... ... .. . .. <br />, �� . .. . . . <br />: .. . <br />. _.... . ���'f.,... <br />, . ..... __ . � �� � <br />� .. ' ' .. .. . -� ,.. - --���� . .. . . . . <br />Addarndum rn Rosevilie Internatiane.! Sister City mceting raf Dornbar 4. i945 <br />Thc f4llow}ng items w� diccusseai ak the aboWC mCeting: <br />I. "The membois px�c5ent disa�esed thc cumrni status of placing two smde�rs (twa boys each 15 <br />Years ald) from Cartago. 'ISma peripd: mid-Nov�nber to mid-F�bmary <br />a, Thc leUcr fram 7oycc to a tc&�l3er a the Rascville iii$1► Schoal (Rrfl�nes) wa�s �iaoussed <br />1_ Everyone fclt dxat 3oyee had madc gCeat prngress in findin$ a t�ite�' �hat was <br />anEliusias-IiC abnut th9s new aspcct pf thc Sister Ciry prog«m- <br />2. Tht group was oPt,irms►�c �sbout finding a hast famil�. <br />b. The gro�►p ageed thaz adtlit�on�l cffarts aeedr.d ta be startai» aecuring e commitmtrtt <br />from the schaol disirlct � <br />1. V'u�eitda and C',antil suggesled [hxt we begin at [1�e top af the school <br />�dmini�tration as we huve suQport �t �he daily sclyo�! lteed_ <br />2. Carol suggtsted tlnst we contac# tt firicncl of tiet� who is ort th� scl�ool b4arcl aocl <br />v�ha�G daughtcr i�as �usc mccntly vssited Ccssta Rica <br />c. Tho group dt.�idacl that it was bcst ii the Claair would eontact the Superintcndcnt of �e <br />Sc1�1 clistricc <br />1. G'harlds suggestcd t1�t wo contact tho schoo] bottrd mamber �ixsr to secura <br />additianal informt�dan an cbe Proctss � then contaet thcs Su�erinlendent af <br />Schaals <br />2. Caru! safd she wuuid c�cact tk�e school board membcr end give tY�at <br />in�'qrmarion to Chades <br />3_ Charloe said that he would cai! tlts Superintcnctex+t of Schools. <br />�,. Tt w�a brought Co thc attemion of the group ihat two ftdditioaal studcnts (girts) from Cartago <br />ma� be visiting 3n a yeai's ti� - the group ciccidcd [hat tf;is was toa mach to �ar►dle ac this <br />pnesen[ timc and r]tat in ard� ta avuid canfusion �ave should table this ltcm undl. the two boys (scc <br />above) arc plac�d_ <br />3. Carol incGc$ted that a Japaner�e stixdent has shown interest in r��siting l�osevillo during the <br />suinmtr- 'T'ha group discusscd ihis ant3 4tems porkdning ta swdyieg et thc U of IVI. <br />�. T1�e group discussed rl� po�sibiliry nf having a��szer �ty display at tlte City of Rossville's <br />snnual dinner far volufltoer graug� Tom wool� obt�ia aclditional infprm$ti4n fro�a the c�ty. <br />�. Chnrles suggegted dset the group slwuld cor►sider p�'oviding an oducational display at tht <br />Roscville IabrBry. f�srles will inquire. <br />FUOTTl07'� TO ITEM 4N� ABO'VE: <br />Ck�,�rles c�ntactec! thc SuperinFendenc of the Rosevilk Schoo! District and was met wich an <br />ent�siastic response, It was suggested that Dava O'Connoi, admimsh�pA�1, wouid waxk aae tha <br />pmgram. Davc O'Connor called Chasles tt�c rn�xt cifly and incficated erttusiss�icelly thei he wouid <br />be eontaeking teachcr Wifines aancemu�� tl�e data�s and additional ir�aimatian aboue the two <br />boy StudentS. <br />Fridey, Oaraber l�3,1945 bp ChArlrs 5cott <br />