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City of Roseviile <br />international Sister Ci�y Gommittiee <br />Minutes <br />Wednesday, July 12, 199Sr <br />Present: James Boardson, Charles Scott, Thomas Turba <br />Minutes: <br />1. Japan: Sister City received a grant from the Roseville Coinmunity Fund to <br />be used for extended travel while a group is in Japan this summer. We are <br />stixl expecting a group from Shinmachi Chis August. <br />2. Tom has created a questionaire/information form on Costa Rica to help plan <br />a trip to Costa Rica, possibly in February. See insert. <br />3. Finland: No news available. <br />4. Tom wi11 be going to Bulgaria with a group of Scouts. <br />5. Tom wrote an article for the �oseville News"Letter sent out quarterly. <br />6. Much of the meeting was spent on discussing the need for a deCailed plan on <br />exchange of students: how wi�l it be done, fund raising, age, purpose of <br />group (5panish language class, Scouts, ecology, etc.}. The group felt that <br />3-5 students at a time should be the maximum, especially to start. <br />7. Next meeting wi11 be Wednesday, August 2, at City Ha11. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />�` ���> <br />Joyce $oardson <br />