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City of Rosev�lle <br />International Sister Citv Comanittie <br />Minutes <br />Tuesday; 7une S, 1995 <br />Present: Carol Stark, Martha Hardesty, Judi Janiak, Tam and Virginia Turba, <br />Sonja Carlson, Charles Scott, James and Joyce Boardson <br />Minutes: <br />1.-'Shinmachi: The Roseville Newsletter �arrierd a letter on shinmachi. How- <br />ever, there was an error in that calls concerning Shinmachi should go to <br />Carol and noC to Roger Reiling. •Two letters have been received from Japan. <br />Four students and two aduZts will go to Japan in July. Ten students and <br />three adults will be coming to xpsev�ii� in August. Carol and Scott are <br />working on getting a grant from the North Suburban Community Fund to allow <br />the Roseville group to travel to Kyoto while in Japan. There will be an <br />interview for application June 15, at 6;30, at Roseville Activity Center. <br />We would like several people present to represent our committee. Charters <br />between Shimachi and Roseville still need to be done. No details av�ilable. <br />There was discussion on having a presentation fiy the group retuniug from <br />Shinmachi. <br />2. Costa Rica: Tom ana Virgin�a have received the minutes for approximately <br />the past year from Cartago Sister City. Roseville studentis have received a <br />few �ett�sfrom Costa Rican students. Ivanna Gonzales would like to set <br />up a relationship with a Catholic high school. The committee was aware of <br />only two - Totino Grace in Fridley and Hi11-Murray in Maplewood. Judz as <br />contacted Totino. Tom and Virginia are plannfng a group trip from Hoseville <br />in February next year. At this time, there is not enough interest with <br />Roseville Scouts for a group to go to Costa Rica. There is a group of Costa <br />Rican Scouts coming June 30 to July 15, consisting of approximately 35 youth, <br />ages 12 to 18, and 5 adu�ts. <br />3. Finland: No news. 5olie will look into the issue when she goes to Finland. <br />4. Coming activities: Sept. 15 is Costa Rica Independance Day. October is <br />Roseville recongition month. The group discussed havzng displays on Costa <br />Ricas for hoth and also Shinmachi for October. If yau have inferesting slides <br />or pictures available, the group would greatly apprciate them. <br />4. We are able to put news articles �pictures if available) in the Roseville <br />Newsletter whiCk is published Feb., Apri1, June, Aug., Oct., and Dec. <br />Articles must be submitted by �he 3rd week two monthe prior to publication. <br />In other words, the 3rd week of June for �ugust. Tom will submit on the <br />Scouts for Aug. <br />5. A group of Roseville students will be going to Costa Rica this summer. <br />ApparenCly this is with the envxronmental club. To be investigared. <br />