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City of Roseville <br />International Sister City Committe <br />Minutes <br />Wednesday, May 3, i995 <br />PresenC: James Boardson, Martha Hardesty, Charles Scott, Carol Stark, Virginis <br />and Tom Turba <br />Minutes: <br />1. Finland: Soile.':Anderson will he going to Finland soon. While there, she <br />will look into what is happening with Sister City activities and bring '-: <br />baCk a report. <br />2. Japan: There appears to be plenty of host families available when a <br />group of Japanese arrive in ear�y August. <br />3. Costa Rica: Tom is working on getting a group together for � trip to <br />Costa Rica this winter. <br />4. Roseville Community Fund: �ao proposals were voted an 1� to modify and <br />resubmit Roger Reiling's proposal, or 2) submit a new proposal to get <br />funding for a bus to be used for transporting the Japanese group this <br />summer: The group decided we should submit only one proposal on behalf of <br />Sister City and bus funding should be it tihis time. Ca�ol will work on <br />the submittal. <br />5. Membership dues: The group voted down membership dues. It was decided <br />that all Roseville citizens w�ll be members withouC charge. <br />6. Financial report: 5lgnatures are needed to finalize the bank,.�account. <br />That should be accomplished tomorrow. AX1 checking account paperwork will <br />stay with the �reasurer. <br />7. A special scholarship has been established. No designation for it has been <br />mat�e . <br />8. There was discussion ou fund raising a�tivit�es. Also, we need�to look at <br />ways to in�rease our exposure to the community. One favured way was to <br />get articles pubZished to the quarterly Rosevill.e Newsletter. <br />9. Next month's agenda:to inc�ude: updates from each country, financial xeport, <br />and membership in the International Organization. <br />10. Next meet�ng will be iY�es June�6 �t City Hall. <br />Resp ctfu�,l�suh� , <br />���r <br />Jo c Boardson <br />