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City of Roseville <br />Tp'e[�[txA'�70NAL SIS3,'ER CITY COI�iI1TSE <br />Miniit e s <br />Wednesday, April 5, 1995 <br />Present: Carol Stark, Chaxles Scott, Tom and Vixginia Turba, Martha Hardesty, <br />Jim Boardson, Roger Reiling <br />Minutes: <br />?. <br />1. Shinmachi: Shinmachi needs a Ietter indicating what the 5ister City <br />agreement would contain. Carol and Charles wi11 do this. The Shinmachi <br />group wi11 return this summer. The mayor can not eome until later. The <br />committee decided that it would be best to send a representative rather <br />than have to deal with two visits. <br />2. Cartago: .1udy spent several weeks in Costa Rica.-and.a couple of days in <br />Cartago. She me�_with Ivanna and ManueJ.. She brought back a package af <br />letters for the Spanish classes. The Cartago students wamted to go as a <br />group and did not want to reduce their numbers. Consequently, they chose <br />not to visit Roseville. They did make a trip to the USA, going elsewhere. <br />There was a gro�p of musicians from Dwatanna that stayed in Cartago. We <br />need to figure out how to get Che Cartago connections revitalized. <br />3. Finland: According to Roger.;;.;there has been no response from Einland, <br />although several attempts have been made at communications. <br />4. Martha ltas been working on the bank account issues. She has the paper- <br />work for the account and we should have an account soon. There w�� some <br />discussion on how to fil� the account. <br />5. Grant applications: No luck obtaining the Roseville grant ar the KLM <br />grant. We need some good ideas for grant applicationse <br />5. Suggestions - made by the members of the committee: <br />1) We put a small article about Sister City activities in the Roseville <br />paper. <br />2) We pursue another Scandinavian or �erman city because.�o£ the ethnic <br />make up of Roseville. • <br />3) We need to come to a deeision on whether to have dues or not. <br />7. Nezt meeting: Wednesday, �ay 3, 1995 <br />Respectfully submitted,. <br />�ri1Y�4ah, <br />Jo ce Boardson <br />y <br />