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ciry o£ Roseville <br />Intemation Sister Citv Committee <br />Minutes <br />June 1, 1994 <br />Prsent: Gladys and Roger Reiling, Virginia and �on Turba, Charles Scott, Judi <br />Janiak, Martha Hardesty, Joyce and James Boardson <br />Minutes: <br />1. There wi11 be 19 BnZgarian'Scouts and 3 chaperons arriving on June 29. <br />2. The non-profit status of the Roseville 5ister City Ass. is still in the <br />hands of the lawyers. The issue of soyce and James Boardson both being <br />on the Board poses some concern with the passage. James has volunteered <br />to have his name removed to facilitate passage. We have a new "contact <br />person" but the same group of lawyers haridling our non-profit status. <br />3. Snoreview Sister City is setting up a business trip for i995 with he� <br />Sister City in Poland. <br />4. Costa Rican scouts W�i1 be arriving on July 2. <br />5. We anticipate 9 people arrivzng on July 2, 1994 from Costa Rica for. <br />Sister City: 5 young men ages 18 to 22, 1 young woman age 19, two <br />teachers - Ivonne and Manuel, and Ivonne's 15 year o1d daughter. � <br />We expect them to be here from July 2 to 3uLy 29. It is not clear at this <br />time if the last week is to be spent in the Chicago area. <br />6. Host families are needed. At the meeting, po�ential families for 6 visitors <br />were given. Three more families are needed. Joyce/�ames will be the <br />�ontact people for gathering info on host families. (hp 481-3963) <br />(wp 781-9944 � often at o�fice} <br />7. We will plan to have a meering £or the host families on lune 14,15,or 16, <br />which ever is best for �he most families. <br />S. A1so at our meeting was Felipe Arias Arias, a visitor of Judi Janiak, <br />from Costa Rica. It was nice to have him at our meeting. <br />9. The next Committee meeting is expected to be on Ji�tre 28, 5:30PM at <br />cxty hal1. <br />Respectfully submitted, Joyce Boardson, Secretary <br />'Tt / _�`' � <br />***** Please be looking for host families. July 2 will soon be here. We wil� <br />also be looking for people who have transportation, such as van�, and <br />free time while our visitors are here. <br />