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City of Roseville <br />Internationa�. Sister Citv Committee <br />September 7, I994 <br />Present: Martha Hardesty, Gary Carlson, Roger Reiling, Judy Janiak, Virginia and <br />Tom Turba, Beth Kilian, I�olly Young, Joyce and .Tim Boardson <br />Minutes: <br />1: Beth had an opportunity to v.isit with Diego, one of our Costa Rican <br />students while in Costa Rica recently. His comments for changes with their <br />stay were a} increase use of public buses, decrease car use b) separate <br />the teachers from the students c) not have such a busy schedule. <br />?. From the vtew point of Roseville hosts, a) we need to understand finances, <br />etc. from both ends b) notifing news media before arrival for maximum <br />coverage c) if someone wants to invite a group on behalf of Sister City, <br />the date must be cleared with g�oup to £asciii.tate maximum committee involve-- <br />ment. d) need to be sure that �he traveling group has appropriate insurance <br />e) need to age match f) some fe].t rhaC 2 weeks was enough, Hol�y feels <br />that 3 weeks is really the minimum for any real cultural experience based on <br />her experience with exchanges. <br />3. Holly is working with Will Channer, Roseville Middle Schoo� Principle, for a <br />possible studenti exchange of 5 to 6 students and teacher from Costa Rica to <br />come here in February for approximately 3 weeks. (Two weeks of school and <br />one week of vacation.) This brought up several issues: a) cultural exchange <br />thraugh penpals and video exchange. <br />4. Rosevil.le Review announced grant programs for tax-exempt organization. Un--: <br />fortunately, after one year we are still waiting Co receive ours. Tom will <br />look into the grant with hopes that we wi11 be able to apply with the next <br />quarter. Joyce was not able to reach the city lawyer in Charles' absence. <br />4. Joyce has been contacted by Colleen LesSard from Travel Agents International. <br />She is interested in working with us far possibie fund raising oppartunities. <br />{Colleen gave a class to the Costa Rican students on travel agency issues.} <br />The group was open to have her attend the next meeting to pxesent her infor- <br />ma�ion. <br />6. Questions have been raised ahout developing a re�ationship with Japan. In <br />Charles Scott's absence, there was not much information available so the <br />disCussi.on was tabled. <br />7. Nezt meeting vill be on Wednesday, October 5, I994 at City Hall. <br />Respectfu�l}lly�submitted, <br />i ��� � <br />Jo ce M. Boardso� <br />