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City of Roseville <br />INTERNATIQNAL SISTER CITY COMMITTEEU <br />Minutes <br />W�d�xesi�ay, ��To�r���ier 3, 1993 <br />Members present: James Boardson, Joyce Boardson, Charles Scatt, Thomas_ Turba, <br />Martha Hazdesty, ._ --. -.. = - .:.�-.rr�-�-= <br />Members absent: Joni Delaney 0'Connelly <br />Minutes: <br />1. Call to order at 6:30 <br />2. Ar�ic�es of Incorporation were reviewed after being received from our <br />city lawyers�. Charles will ch�ek on the ramifica��ons of article 6. <br />3. Tom has sent a letter to Costa itica acknowledging the establishment of <br />friendly ties berween Cartago and Roseville. The pvssibility af <br />a trip to Costa Rica arountl January 30 to February 8 was discussed. <br />Tom wi11 get an announcement in the Roseville paper regarding a trip. <br />4. Martha discussed the Japanese—Amer3can 6ociety. There may be a possibility <br />of �stablishing �ies and geC�ing same �urids there. <br />5. Thomas has been invited to meet with the Czechoslovakian organization. <br />6. Next meetin.g wi3� be oxx Wednesday, De�ember 1, 1993. ;: <br />Respectfu�ly submitted, <br />/' � ° ��'r��-� <br />� <br />Joyce M. Boar:.dson <br />