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City of Roseville <br />INTERNATIdNAL SISTER CITY COMMITTEE <br />Minutes <br />Wedne�Gday,, Oceober"`6, 1993 <br />6:30 P.M. <br />City HaII <br />Membbrs present: ,Iames Boardson, Joyce Boardson, Charles Scoft, Thomas Tnrba <br />E Joni Delaney 0'Gonnelly. <br />Members absent: Martha Hardesty, Christine Rampersad {moved out of �ity) <br />Minutes: <br />1. Call to order at 6;30 <br />2. Tom received a letter from the mayor or Varna, Bulgaria thanking him for <br />his work with the scouts. <br />3. Roseville school is trying to establish electronic rosil with towns in <br />Russia. This could be a potential method of co�uniCation fo�r ou� <br />commiCtee. <br />4. Charles W�i1 ve working with Che City �awyers on establishing our <br />by-laws . <br />5. Christine Rampersad has moved out of Roseville and w311 no�:longer be a <br />member of the Rosevill Sister City Comnaittee. <br />6. It was unanimously agreed that the current members wi11 � compose the <br />Board of we proceed with our charter and non-profit status. <br />Elected officers are as follows: <br />President: Charles Scott <br />Vice-Pres.: Thomas Turba <br />3ecretary: .Toyce Boardson <br />Treasurer: Martha Hardesty <br />The above Board of Directors and officers wi11 be e�ected annually. <br />7. Directions on were to go wiCh Costa Rica were discuased. A list of various <br />Roseviile organizations was compiled. From that, the group selected �he <br />schools and l.ocal Bird Club as groups to start with for starting a relation- <br />ship with Costa Rica. Since Tom has�been the main contact person, he <br />wi11 work on getting names in Costa Riea for sim�lar groups. <br />8. Next �eeting will �e on Wednesday, Nov. 3, 1993 at City Ha11. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />� � . �� <br />Joyce M. Boardson <br />