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City of Roseville <br />INTERNATIO1�iAL SISTER CITY COMMITTEE <br />Minutes <br />Wednesday, May 26, 1993 <br />Members present: Ja�aes Boardson, Joyce Boardson, Charles Scott, Thomas <br />Turba <br />Members absent: Maztha Hardesty, Joni Delaney 0'Connell, Christine Ramperstad <br />Minutes: <br />1. Ca11 to order at 6:30PM <br />2. Up-date on Costa Rica: Tom is expecting a fax from the mayor of Car�ago, <br />Cos�a Rica. A packett of letCers from Costa Rica Scouts arrived and was <br />passed on to Rosevil�e Brownie Troop. Scouts wi11 be coming from Costa <br />Rica in ,Tuly. <br />3. Bulgaria: Eight Scouts are going to Bulgaria July 30 to Augusr 16. <br />They will spend four days in the Capital. �3ousing has been arranged by <br />the Embassy. Tents, etc., will be lef� behind. $500.00 has been <br />donated by the VFW. <br />4. Uruguay: Jim and Joyce met with Ms. Aguierra. She has been involved <br />with drganization of American Sta�es. Jim and Joyce anticipate meeting <br />other Uxuguaian representatives attending Montevideo Fiesta Days around <br />June 18-20. Boardsons wi11 try to send letters to �LTruguay with Uruguaian <br />students currantly here. There has been no respoonse to the last fax <br />(approximately Apri1 20, 1993}. Contact has been made with a Woodbury <br />Spanish �eacher who has worked with student e�changes between iTruguay <br />and Woodbury. Partners in the Americas are having a picnic June 10 which <br />several co�mittee memebers will try to attend. <br />5. Charles and Joyce W�ii conCac� Sister-Cities in Minesota for information <br />requested by the Council on April 19. <br />6. Meeting adjourned at 7:45 PM. <br />7. Next meeting June 23, 1993 <br />