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9 TQ�B1F �I��� �IF "I�HIIE ����a�;$I�1� C1�R� �Q���Q$�R'4 <br />S�ster Clttes Internatiar�a� <br />The �eneral cQnc�pt af the Sts�r Ctiies prograr� ts for a community of ane <br />nation io be ati��iated wlth a comm��ty ot �nother natian 1� order to learn <br />more about th� other t.�raugh �ri�ndjy and me�ningful exchanges. This <br />lnter�hange h�lp� tti turtt�er inte�nationa! un�erstandln� at all �evels af the <br />comm�nity on a continuing long-term basis. W�t#�tn the Sister C�ties <br />program the�cammuntties have the opportunity ta exchange ideas, peaple ar�d <br />cuiture 1n a variety af educatlonal instltutional, municipal, prafessionai, <br />and tec�lcal p�a�ects. <br />These prv jects �epe�d upon trie interest and� particl�a�iar� vf each <br />comm�ity. Interest 1n the cultura�, econornlc� soci�l and educational f�elds <br />varies with each cornmun�ty. The excha�ges �oUtd inciude any of the <br />followt�g: � <br />1. City off �c1a1s, teachers, professional�, <br />2. 4rgantzed tour�, <br />3. C1ub(hobby� atfili�t�ons, <br />4 Let�er writtng� <br />5. Student exchange�, <br />6. Technlcal and prafess�onat �dea exchanges, <br />7. �CO�O�Y11C, <br />8. �xhi�its CAr�t, photo, etc.}, <br />9. Ex�hange of hol�day �ustoms and fiaad reeipes <br />to name a �ew poss1b111�ies. <br />{fr�orn tf�e S�sier Citles internattonal brochr�re) <br />ruRPOS�: <br />Sister Cities International (principal program of the Tow� Aifiliation Aa.gociatioa o[ the U.S., Inc,) is ckdicated to the <br />gosl of furthe�ieg gZobal underst�nding by encouragi�g and a�$ U.S. comrnuniti�s an� thtir citizt�s to 1in1t wiih <br />similar ca�nmunities throughout i�e worl�. <br />An atidiatinn devclops whcn �n America� coram�nity of whatever aito crcharacter officialEy linlcs with a commupity in <br />another nati�n. Thc gaal for t6e eomm,unitics involvad i� to karn morr aho�t cach other ead to dcvdop lasting arxi <br />meaningful eachangcs. The ideal aft"�liation involvea a large nuaabcr of citiz�ns and organizations in both commusuties <br />cngaging in txchanges oF people, ideas and �uitui+es on a lo�tericq. continning bgsis. <br />'Tbe national association providea a mcchanism for U.S. cn�unities to enter this prQgram by assisting them in the <br />process of linking with a c4m�u nity in anott�er country. �! scts �s a�oor�inator and catalyst to encourage var%us types <br />of sister cities �Ctivities and serves as a clearir�ghausc to g8t1�r, an�alyzt and share iilfotmauon, research and knowle�gc. <br />HISTORY: <br />Amliacions bctw�ecn cities in the United States and othcr couniries began shartly at't�r l945, but no real national i�us <br />was realized nntil 1456 when Presidaas Dwight D. Eiaenhower initiated the People-ta-Feople i'rogram at the White <br />House. Qut of ihis grew Sistes Citias Internatioasl whicii has assisted morr thaz► S70 U.S. citia and cae�nties� <br />rcpresenting over !25 miUion Americaas, establish links with svme 1,4flU cammunities in 92 athcr natina� of tlie worid. <br />