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1 �1; / . �. �1' �+i � �1: I 1 • <br />CiI'Y pF $QSE�ILLE <br />MINi�SQTA, U8A <br />The $i�ter�Cities prngram i� deeigned tio enccnrage €riendly and meaningfut e:chang�s <br />be�� �sa�eun�tiea irn ths [�af� �°�sfi�e� a�ad c��ta�iti�s :n o:,��r co�ti�ea. <br />The Roseville City Council ha� esCabi�ehed a Sieter Cit,y comamuibtee ta e�laro the pos�bilaty <br />o� i�e is,aeevilie camtaunity entersng into ti�fs tvae oi reYations�iD w"stti ot�ier cammnnities <br />af the warld <br />The cammittee has t�a ite mission: �a foster good wi11 �d umderstanding 6etween the <br />psople in the Raseville comsnunity and oiher peopie of the world an a permon ta-persoa <br />basi�." <br />'[!�i� ;�a tn �in p��f�p���e� �� a�era ���l3!r� ��D+ri.._..�ii�3}.49$ �..*!� pe�ple �r! otller �*+�:.��� �1,�. <br />bave an interegt in eatabliahing an on�going caltuz�l eachange program with people in the <br />RoseviI�e area. <br />'d`�e tygee of t�o-�r activtt�� th�t tbe cmmmittse �ill be �ying � eat�biis}e iaulwde: <br />ExGhenge toeirs of speciai interest groups, school groups. busineas groups, a�nd clubs� <br />where the participanta could be hosted he hosted by local famil'se�; <br />Exchange gf students and other people who wauld like t,� e:perianoe livine in <br />�nother culture; <br />Exchan�es/atssiatance in bu�ine�s und., econ4mic endeavors <br />Exc�ange of letters between studer�ts and other peaple who are ix�terest�ed in pen- - <br />paI realt�cnsi�ips; and - <br />Exchange of cu�twal �xhibits aad activities th�t highlight t�e ait, mueic, daily life, <br />holid�y customs. food, aud other aspects of the aiatez city. <br />The �rocedure to begin thi� program wauul be hy first $s#sblishing informa] r+etationshipa <br />wit� other camraunities (Friend�hip C�fy). When these relationshipa develap inta a <br />posi�ive eachange, a more formal aister citp re�at,ionshi� (Sfster C3tg), invQlving city <br />a�fcials fr�ra baih ci�isa� woald be eetablished. <br />