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1 �I• E �i ` ai' ' �i • � `f:ll' <br />CTi'Y QF RO�Y T F <br />MIIVNE30T�1, USA <br />T'he Sister Cities program is degi�ned to encaurage friendly and meaningfni eachanges <br />bet�een communiti�� in the United St�tsa and communities in other countries. <br />The Roaevi]le City Council ha� establiehed a�ister Ci�y cammit�ee �o exp�ore the poseibili�y <br />af the RQaeville communi�,y entering into thia typg of rela�ianship with okher communitie� <br />of �he warid <br />The comntittee has as its missiAn: 'To fr�ster good will and und$r�iax�ding between the <br />people in the Roseville community and ather people of the world on a person-to-pereon <br />basis." <br />This is to be accampliahed by identifying com�nunities snd people in other countriea whv <br />have an intere�t in �stablishing an on-going c�iltural ezchange program with people in the <br />Ro$eville area. <br />The typea of two-we�y ac�ivitiea that the committee will be trying to establisl� include• <br />�chang�e taura of special interesi groups, echool graup�. bu�sinesg group$, end c;ubs, <br />where #he parti�lpants oould be hasted be hnsted by local famiiies; <br />Exchange of students and other people who wrould like to experienee living in <br />�taother culture; <br />Exchangeslaa�istanoe in bueiaess and�eoonomic endeavo�e <br />Eachs�nge af Ietters between studer�ts and other people who are interested in per�- <br />pa] resltionships; and <br />F�cchange of cultttral e�hibits and activities that highligbi the art, music, daily �ife, <br />haliday custams, fopd� ataa ather aapects of the sister city. <br />The pracedur� to beg'�n thia program would be by iir�t establishing infornaal re]atione�ipa <br />with other communitiea (I�iendship City). When these relationships devE�lop inta a <br />pasitive exchan�e, a more fo�tnal sister city relatianship (Sieter City), inrrolving city <br />o�icia]e from both cities, wo�ild �e estab�iehed. <br />