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�� ������ ���� ������� <br />"The Sister City Program is �n importartt re- <br />saurce !o the negotiations o�gat�erriments in letting <br />the peopl� t�emsefues giue expressian to. their <br />rommon desire �or f riendship. gaod u1i�1, Qnd <br />caoperaiior+ Jor a better world for a1l." <br />—Ptesident Dw�ght D. �E'rsenhou�r <br />Tawn afliliations between the t�nited States <br />and other countri�s �egan shortly aiter Warld <br />�ar ��, �nd s�� �am� ��Ru�a�l�t lcr�oam �� <br />Sister Cities. The program became a nationa� <br />effort when Fresident �senhower proposed <br />the Peaple-to-People pragram at a White <br />}-�ouse Con(erence in 1956. i-iis idea w�s to <br />involve �evple ar� �.ga�i��� �r�u�s �: �!! <br />ievels ot au� sc�cie� ���� ���1 �di�lo: nac��. <br />One of the groups [armed as a result of t�e <br />P�ople-to•People concept was the C+vsc Com- <br />mittee, estabtished to promote Sister Crty <br />reEations an a national scale. At the request o� <br />the C9vi�c Co�m�##ee, �he I�Iationat Le�gu� of <br />Cities. represeni�ng mare thzr. 15,(�D ti#ies, <br />towns, and villages in #he U.S.. agreed to serve <br />as a��earinghause in expanding the Sister City <br />tar�ept among its me�mbers. <br />Yn the first few years of the proyr�m, a ciaaen <br />ac#ive affliations were started. in thr� ea�ly <br />7.960's, the number of city affitia#ians i�egan ta <br />increase rapidly and i# becam� clear tha± �*tew <br />nationati organizatton devoled �xc�usive.Ly ta <br />tl�e support o� the Sister City prcxsram was <br />needed. <br />In 19b5, delegates ta a Westem Regional <br />Sister �ity Conference in Fort�and, Oregon, <br />unanimausly supparted the �sstabtishment oi a <br />nationa] organixatian. 7�e Leasue of Califomia <br />Cities and the League of �regon Cities <br />adopfed resolutians suppc�rtin� the idea. ihe <br />Executive Committee of ihe I�at�ona� League <br />of Cities fol�owed s�it at its meetir�9 late in 1965. <br />in response, the ToMm Affil"ya�ion As.sociation <br />�f � � � <br />_,� <br />- +T <br />� q� <br />�����I <br />������ <br />IKi€R�l��i0(ikl <br />o� #he United Sfates, Inc., was o#fieially <br />incorporated on lune 12, 1967, as a non-pro{it <br />ct�r�r�tion i� #h� Qi�tr�t of �Qlurrebia, de- <br />fineci tin its articles of� intorporation as a <br />"membership organizafi�n to ioster better <br />internationat understanding , ar�d coaperation <br />through Sister City reIations�ips." <br />�h� T�, Affili�atian ��ciatic�n ;TA�#,l is <br />�p;;�rr�or�,,,# F �� � �r� nF f{7Ueil�jl.fitro r�iro�`tOYS <br />eiected uy k� membership. i�otirtg member- <br />ship in the Associatian is held by -cities� s#ate <br />assaciations o� municipaliti�s, the I�ational <br />League of Cit�es, other units of local govern- <br />ments and bcal 5ister City Committees which <br />pay annuat dues �nd are respons�ble tor carry- <br />ing out an affiliation ur�#h a fareign commtinity. <br />Sister Cities �nternational {SCI) has evolved <br />as the principal program of the Town Affil'�ation <br />As.�ociatian. Although #he TAr4 title is sti�l used <br />on carporate dacuments� Sister Cities �nter- <br />nati�nal is the name now wridely e�sed and <br />recognized as descriptive af the Sister City <br />concept. <br />SGi program development is handled by a <br />pYOfessianaf s#aff u►ith years a{ service in other <br />nations ard the Sister Cities movement_ The <br />Washingtan headquarters is dir�cted b,r an <br />executi�e vice president, and sectar directors <br />are respansible Eor speti�ic program de�elnp- <br />ment. A netwark of $Cl represeniati�es and <br />regianal vice presidents provsde elase contact <br />and advi�e to lacal pro�ams. They are avail- <br />able io assist any individ�at, organization, or <br />community wishing to jain ihe program. <br />