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CIYY OF RaSEiIILLE <br />� �?�' - �. �! ._ --- . t�.�._ <br />� r � ��. .� .t. . � ; . <br />l[INOTES 4F ?H� MEE?ING UF <br />YEDIiIESDAY, YARCH 25 1992 <br />6.30 P.I[. <br />A? CI'iY HAI.L <br />M�mb�rs P're:�nL: <br />James Boardson, ,�ani Dala,ney Q'Conaell, Christine Rampersad <br />LharLes Scott <br />Members Ab;�at; <br />iopee Raardson, Mariha Hard��ty, Thom� Tt�rba <br />l�iaute� <br />1. �Ca.11ed ta order at 6:30 PM <br />�. Jani vpdated the c4mmittee cancerning the recent infiu� a!' mai! fram <br />�'i�Iat�ne�. Sha �vi�l b� i�c#.�rin� at the Roseville middla schaol in <br />�3. The cammitte� di�cusseci far�,her �.he �ompusiiian of t,he Ras�viiie <br />ia#'armatic�flal pack�t. Severa! ideas canceraing the involvement of the <br />Roseville commuflity in this efldea�vr�r w�r� disct�ssed. <br />�. Charles indicated that t,he gacke� frum Uruguay has not ye! arrived.. <br />�. The n�xi me��ing is set for a ne� time. 6:30 PM at City Ha11. Wedn�sday <br />Apri129, !�!32 <br />b, lUleetjag wa.� adjouraed at 7:�0 <br />