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� � <br />����� <br />CITY �F ROSEYILLE <br />INTERNATI�NAL SI�TER CITY COMMI?TEE <br />MINUTES QF THE IaEETINC aF <br />YEDNESDAY, Febrvsry �6 1992 <br />6;34 P.M. <br />AY CIYY HALL <br />Members Frese�t. <br />J�yce �oard�c►n. Jam.e� �aardson, Jani Delaney tl°Cannell, <br />Charle$ 5cutt <br />IVI+�mber$ Absent: <br />11rlari.�a Hard��ty: �hristin� I��m�ers�do �.nd Thoma� T��r�a <br />�in�tes <br />1. Ca.11ed to order at 6:�4 FM <br />2 Jayce and Jim presented ideas cnncerning infa�mation aboutRosevifle, our <br />regiun �.itd Stat�. The cammittea was im�ressed wifh the qualiiy af thou�ht <br />and wark that w�.s expcessed in their suggestions. It wa.S ciecided to� <br />a1nn� their line of khaught. <br />3. Joni updated th� committt�e cancerning the receflt favarable eg�hange <br />taking pla.ce b�tween Killarney and Roseville students. Joni has scheduled <br />severa.l pres�ntations ah�ut Ireland and Killarney that she ivill be giving in <br />Aprii and had just cpmpleted a presentation at aRaseville school. <br />4. �harles gave a u�da�e an the progress being made with LTruguay. <br />5 Th� po�ihle addition of a city from Ja.pan was c�iscussed, <br />The next me+eting i� �at%r a new tisn�, ��3[t P�UI at�ity Ha11, �Yednesday <br />14�iarch 25.1992 <br />?. �+feeGin� �as ad'#�urned �t 5;00 <br />