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�� <br />iNTERNATIONAL �ISTER CITY C(�M11iIITTEE <br />CITY OF ROSEYILLE <br />������ �� i�ffi� ���4 ���[�IIi� <br />NOi1EMSER 2�. 1991 <br />The Sister Cities program is designed t,o encourage friendly and meaningfu! �achanges <br />b�twee:n communities in the United and communities in ather cauntries. <br />The Roseville City Council has established a Sister City comm.itte� ta expl�re the <br />passibility af t�e Rosevitle cammonity entering into this type of relatianst�ip with <br />ather communities af t,h.e wa�ld. <br />The Citp committxe currenUp consists af seven memb�rs: ,jopce Boardson, James <br />Boardson,Jaai Delaney a'Connell, Martha Hardestp, Christine Rampersad, Charles Scott, <br />and Thomas Turba. <br />The cammittee has as its mission: "To faster good w.ill and underst�.nding betWeen th� <br />people in the Raseville communitg and other peaple of the world on a gerson-ta-pers�n <br />ba.sis.�� <br />This is to ba accomplish�d by id�n�if�ing commniti�s a.nd pevgie in oth�r cauats�i�s <br />wh� have an inter�st in establishing an an-going cuttural exchange pragram with <br />g�opte in the Roseville area. <br />The types of t�wa-wag activities that th� committee wil1 be t,cying to esta.blish in�lude: <br />E�change tours of special interest group�, school gruups, busin�ss graups, �.nd <br />ci�hs, wher� th� partic�pants could l�e hvsted b$ hasted �i� l���t.E famili�sr <br />Exchange af studeats and other peopla who �ould like to experience living in <br />another culture; <br />Exchange af letters between students and other peaple wha are int,erested in pen- <br />pal reattionships; and <br />Exchange af cultura,! exhibits and activities tha# highlight tha art, music, daiky life, <br />holiday customs, f�od, and other aspecis of th� sister city. <br />The p�ac� to begin this progra.m �vould be h� first establishing informal <br />reia#ionships with other commun�ities{ Friendship City} through cantxcts that pe4ple <br />have through �vor�, previous visits, friends or fa,mily. If these re�atianships develap <br />into a positive egchange, a mare formal sister city relationship (Sister Citgi, <br />i.nvalving city offici�is from both citi�s, might be establish�d, <br />