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Roseville 5ister City Association <br />Minutes <br />May 1, 2001 <br />Present: Joyce Boardson, Mary Meyers, Carol Stark, Tom and Virginia Turba <br />Minutes: <br />1. Treasure's report: No current news to report. <br />2. Shinmachi: Mary was able to secure a grant from the Roseville Cocmnunity <br />Fund for $2,500.00 to assist the group going to Shinmachi July 17-31, 2001. <br />The Shinmachi children are expected to arrive approxzmately August 4-14. <br />Mary will get copies made of her grant request for those requesting, with <br />one copy to be put in the "Shinmachi" records kept by Joyce. Mary d�d ex- <br />tensive work on ugdating the Shinmachi history in it. <br />3. Costa Rica: Tom finally received a response from Eduardo Cruz concern�ng <br />a basketball team coming. However, no arrival date was given. A boys' <br />1G-15 y/o team is expected. Joyce has not been ahle to find any host fam- <br />ilies, yet. If you know of a�y one that might be znterested, please have <br />them contact Joyce, or 1et Joyce know directly so that she may conCact them. <br />(HP 651-481-3963). <br />Tom is still planning on having a group go to Cosra Rica for the President- <br />ial election in Feb., 2002. Please help spread the word. Fun was had by <br />all on the 1998 trzp. <br />4. New Buszness: Tom was approached concerning the Normandale Gardens cele- <br />bration activiCies. There is aZso Yhe Como Park Lantern lighting. No one <br />knew the dates of activities. <br />5. Parade: .Ioyce is working on the parade, We are Crying to keep the numbex <br />of children to 15 total. If you have children who want to be in the parade, <br />you must let Joyce know. Right now, she is look�ng £or more boys to be in <br />rhe parade. Flag barrers and banner barrers are needed. Flag barrers must <br />be able to carry the flag if there is a wind. Both Shinmachi and Cartago <br />are represented. Participation from both groups would be appreciated. <br />As in the past, there wi11 be cookies, ice cream, and pop at the end o� the <br />parade. Help is also needed for that. The parade is on Monday evening, <br />starting at 6:3�, wikh participants to be at the parade line-up by 6:00, <br />June 25. <br />6. Next meeting is Tuesday, Juae 12, 2401, 6:30_ NOTE DATE CHANGE. <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />�. � <br />��h��� <br />.3oyce Boardson, secretary <br />