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� <br />Ros.evil�.e Sister City Association � <br />Mi.nute s � O <br />�� <br />Present: James and Joyce Boardson, Don�and Mary Meyers, Tom Turba, Kwo Wei <br />Minutes: <br />1. Treasurer's Report: Not Available. Tom has been requested to ftile an <br />exemption form instead of form 990 by the IRS stating our financia]_ staues. <br />2. Shinmachi: Mary is in the process of applying for a grant from the Rose- <br />vi7.].e Community Fund to assist wirh rhis year's trip to Japan. There are <br />b students and 3 adults planning to go at tnis time. Tenta[ive dates are <br />Ju1y 18-30 with Japan coming here about August 5-15. April 1 is the deadline <br />for finalizing. Expected cost is $.1,400.00 for RT, 3 hotel nights in Tokyo, <br />and a city tour. <br />3. Costa Rica: Bob Wal.z, �ath the Roseville Rotary, is trying to establish a <br />student exchange with Costa Rica. Our anticipated student exchange with <br />students coming here in July is noC progressing well. T�iere has been no <br />contact with Costa Rica since approximately September. We do not know why <br />no response is coming from C.R. <br />Tom has heard from Eduardo concerning a team coming for the Great American <br />Shoot-Out. They would like to send a girls team but the team is not as well <br />organizea. At this time, a 14-15 y/o boys teatn is expected. We are limiting <br />the team size to 10 players and 2 coaches. Beyond this number makes trans- <br />portation very difficult. The deadline zs April 1. Joyce will organize a <br />meeting with potentia� school s�aff in hopes of getting their involvement for <br />host families and potentially other assistance. Ylanned contacts include the <br />basketball coach, head of the student council, Spanish instructor. The Shoot- <br />Out is July 25-28. Studen�_arrival and departure is expected to be July 23- <br />30, based on past experience. If you know of any one that might be interested <br />in hosring, p].ease let Joyce know, 651-481-3963. <br />4. New busi.ness: none <br />5. Future activies: LJe expect to enter the Roseville parade again this year. <br />If you have children interested in being in the parade, please 1et Joyce <br />know. We need to limit Che number of chzldren. Also, Joyce nneds to lcnow <br />Co ]ine up costumes. <br />6. Ongoing business: None have been addressed. If you know anyone interested <br />in working on a web site, please le� Tom know, HP b51-489-0779 or WH 651- <br />b35-1659. <br />7. Costa Rica: Tom is organizing anoCher trip for rhe 2002 Presidential elec- <br />tions. Word is that a great�,was had for a11 on the 1948 Pres, trip. Contact <br />Tom if interested. -��; <br />Next meeting �esday, April 3rd at 6:30 <br />Respectfully submitted, <br />�������-N <br />Joyce Boardson, secretary <br />