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ROSEVII,LE SISTER CITY ASSOCIATION <br />Septecnber 5, 2000 <br />Members present: Tom and Virginia Turba, Jan Schultz, Patti DeBruycker, Carol Stark, <br />and Mary Meyer. <br />Treasurers Report: Approximately $ l 100 was spent on the Japanese visit here. $2200 of <br />the grant moneys from the RoseviIle Community Fund were used ta assist with costs of <br />the Roseville group that went to Japan. A gift of $2000 was received from the Japanese <br />from Shinmachi. There was further discussion about the possibility of providing host <br />families with a stipend to help defray the costs of hosting. Fundraising would be needed to <br />do this. There was discussion about a spagt�etti dinner and Patti will look into this further. <br />Shinmachi Report: The trip to Japan was a good experience for all participants. The <br />students all want to go back again. The dinner held for the Japanese while they were here <br />was a success_ We need to be careful on future occasions to be sure that all visiting <br />dignitaries are introduced. <br />Mary reported that she had hosted a group of educatars from Japan that were <br />interested in Charter Schools. <br />Costa Rica Report: They are still interested in having student exchanges. Holiy Young is <br />trying to get times coordinated, however communication is often difficult and not very <br />timely. <br />Tom announced the upcoming Costa Rican Independence Day celebration on <br />September 23 at the Ordway. <br />Jim Boardson followed up with a letter to the father af the 5cout who became lost at the <br />Rosefest Parade and copied it to the city manager. <br />Tom announced the Normandale Japanese Garden benefit dinner on September 24_ <br />The Twin Cities International Ci#izen Awards Banquet will be October 3. Tom will attend <br />attd have a. table set up with informatian on Rosevilles Sister Cities and also the <br />International activities available through the Indianhead Scouting program. <br />Tom will update the dates in the trifold flyer about Rosevilles Sister Cities and get a <br />supply of them to Patti for distribution at informational meetings. Patti had a recruiting <br />disglay at Parkview school and wilI have one at the Roseviile Area Middle School <br />September 21. She will be having an informational meeting for potential particigants of <br />the Shinmachi group at Parkview in October_ <br />The next meeting will be Tuesday, October 17, 2000 at 6:30 P.M. <br />Recorder_ Virginia Turba <br />